/* $NetBSD: kern.ldscript,v 1.27 2018/08/20 15:04:51 maxv Exp $ */ #include "assym.h" /* * PAE is enabled by default on amd64, the large page size is therefore * 2MB (and not 4MB!). */ __PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000 ; __LARGE_PAGE_SIZE = 0x200000 ; ENTRY(_start) SECTIONS { .text : AT (ADDR(.text) & 0x0fffffff) { . = ALIGN(__PAGE_SIZE); __text_user_start = . ; *(.text.user) . = ALIGN(__PAGE_SIZE); __text_user_end = . ; *(.text) *(.text.*) *(.stub) . = ALIGN(__LARGE_PAGE_SIZE); } =0xCC _etext = . ; PROVIDE (etext = .) ; /* * Push the rodata segment up to the next large page boundary so that we * can map the text segment with large pages. */ . = ALIGN(__LARGE_PAGE_SIZE); __rodata_start = . ; .rodata.hotpatch : { __rodata_hotpatch_start = . ; *(.rodata.hotpatch) __rodata_hotpatch_end = . ; } .rodata : { *(.rodata) *(.rodata.*) . = ALIGN(COHERENCY_UNIT); __CTOR_LIST__ = .; *(.ctors) __CTOR_END__ = .; } . = ALIGN(__LARGE_PAGE_SIZE); __data_start = . ; .data : { *(.data) } . = ALIGN(COHERENCY_UNIT); .data.cacheline_aligned : { *(.data.cacheline_aligned) } . = ALIGN(COHERENCY_UNIT); .data.read_mostly : { *(.data.read_mostly) } . = ALIGN(COHERENCY_UNIT); _edata = . ; PROVIDE (edata = .) ; __bss_start = . ; .bss : { *(.bss) *(.bss.*) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(__LARGE_PAGE_SIZE); } . = ALIGN(__PAGE_SIZE); /* End of the kernel image */ __kernel_end = . ; _end = . ; PROVIDE (end = .) ; .note.netbsd.ident : { KEEP(*(.note.netbsd.ident)); } }