PKG_ADD(1) NetBSD General Commands Manual PKG_ADD(1) NNAAMMEE ppkkgg__aadddd - a utility for installing and upgrading software package distri- butions SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppkkgg__aadddd [--ffIILLMMnnRRSSuuVVvv] [--KK _p_k_g___d_b_d_i_r] [--pp _p_r_e_f_i_x] [--ss _v_e_r_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_-_t_y_p_e] [--tt _t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e] [--WW _v_i_e_w_b_a_s_e] [--ww _v_i_e_w] [[ftp|http]://[_u_s_e_r[:_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d_]@]_h_o_s_t[:_p_o_r_t]][/_p_a_t_h_/]pkg-name ... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ppkkgg__aadddd command is used to extract and upgrade packages that have been previously created with the pkg_create(1) command. Packages are prepared collections of pre-built binaries, documentation, configura- tions, installation instructions and/or other files. ppkkgg__aadddd can recur- sively install other packages that the current package depends on or requires from both local disk and via FTP or HTTP. WWAARRNNIINNGG _S_i_n_c_e _t_h_e ppkkgg__aadddd _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _m_a_y _e_x_e_c_u_t_e _s_c_r_i_p_t_s _o_r _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_s _c_o_n_t_a_i_n_e_d _w_i_t_h_i_n _a _p_a_c_k_a_g_e _f_i_l_e_, _y_o_u_r _s_y_s_t_e_m _m_a_y _b_e _s_u_s_c_e_p_t_i_b_l_e _t_o _`_`_T_r_o_j_a_n _h_o_r_s_e_s_'_' _o_r _o_t_h_e_r _s_u_b_t_l_e _a_t_t_a_c_k_s _f_r_o_m _m_i_s_c_r_e_a_n_t_s _w_h_o _c_r_e_a_t_e _d_a_n_g_e_r_o_u_s _p_a_c_k_a_g_e _f_i_l_e_s_. _Y_o_u _a_r_e _a_d_v_i_s_e_d _t_o _v_e_r_i_f_y _t_h_e _c_o_m_p_e_t_e_n_c_e _a_n_d _i_d_e_n_t_i_t_y _o_f _t_h_o_s_e _w_h_o _p_r_o_- _v_i_d_e _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_b_l_e _p_a_c_k_a_g_e _f_i_l_e_s_. _F_o_r _e_x_t_r_a _p_r_o_t_e_c_t_i_o_n_, _u_s_e _t_h_e _d_i_g_i_t_a_l _s_i_g_n_a_t_u_r_e_s _p_r_o_v_i_d_e_d _w_h_e_r_e _p_o_s_s_i_b_l_e _(_s_e_e _t_h_e --ss _o_p_t_i_o_n_)_, _o_r_, _f_a_i_l_i_n_g _t_h_a_t_, _u_s_e _t_h_e --MM _f_l_a_g _t_o _e_x_t_r_a_c_t _t_h_e _p_a_c_k_a_g_e _f_i_l_e_, _a_n_d _i_n_s_p_e_c_t _i_t_s _c_o_n_t_e_n_t_s _a_n_d _s_c_r_i_p_t_s _t_o _e_n_s_u_r_e _i_t _p_o_s_e_s _n_o _d_a_n_g_e_r _t_o _y_o_u_r _s_y_s_t_e_m_'_s _i_n_t_e_g_r_i_t_y_. _P_a_y _p_a_r_t_i_c_u_l_a_r _a_t_t_e_n_t_i_o_n _t_o _a_n_y _+_I_N_S_T_A_L_L_, _+_D_E_I_N_S_T_A_L_L_, _+_R_E_Q_U_I_R_E _o_r _+_M_T_R_E_E___D_I_R_S _f_i_l_e_s_, _a_n_d _i_n_s_p_e_c_t _t_h_e _+_C_O_N_T_E_N_T_S _f_i_l_e _f_o_r @@ccwwdd_, @@mmooddee _(_c_h_e_c_k _f_o_r _s_e_t_u_i_d_)_, @@ddiirrrrmm_, @@eexxeecc_, _a_n_d @@uunneexxeecc _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_v_e_s_, _a_n_d_/_o_r _u_s_e _t_h_e pkg_info(_1) _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _t_o _e_x_a_m_i_n_e _t_h_e _p_a_c_k_a_g_e _f_i_l_e_. OOPPTTIIOONNSS The following command line arguments are supported: _p_k_g_-_n_a_m_e [_._._.] The named packages are installed. _p_k_g_-_n_a_m_e may be either a URL or a local pathname, a package name of "-" will cause ppkkgg__aadddd to read from stdin. If the packages are not found in the current working directory, ppkkgg__aadddd will search them in each directory named by the PKG_PATH environment variable. Any dependencies required by the installed package will be searched in the same location that the original package was installed from. --ff Force installation to proceed even if prerequisite packages are not installed or the requirements script fails. Although ppkkgg__aadddd will still try to find and auto-install missing prerequisite packages, a failure to find one will not be fatal. This flag also overrides the fatal error when the operating system or architecture the package was built on differ from that of the host. --II If an installation script exists for a given package, do not exe- cute it. --KK _p_k_g___d_b_d_i_r Set _p_k_g___d_b_d_i_r as the package database directory. If this option isn't specified, then the package database directory is taken from the value of the environment variable PKG_DBDIR if it's set, otherwise it defaults to _/_v_a_r_/_d_b_/_p_k_g. --LL Don't add the package to any views after installation. --MM Run in MMAASSTTEERR mode. This is a very specialized mode for running ppkkgg__aadddd and is meant to be run in conjunction with SSLLAAVVEE mode. When run in this mode, ppkkgg__aadddd does no work beyond extracting the package into a temporary staging area (see the --tt option), read- ing in the packing list, and then dumping it (prefaced by the current staging area) to stdout where it may be filtered by a program such as sed(1). When used in conjunction with SSLLAAVVEE mode, it allows you to make radical changes to the package struc- ture before acting on its contents. --nn Don't actually install a package, just report the steps that would be taken if it was. --pp _p_r_e_f_i_x Set _p_r_e_f_i_x as the directory in which to extract files from a package. If a package has set its default directory, it will be overridden by this flag. Note that only the first @@ccwwdd directive will be replaced, since ppkkgg__aadddd has no way of knowing which directory settings are relative and which are absolute. It is rare in any case to see more than one directory transition made, but when such does happen and you wish to have control over *all* directory transitions, then you may then wish to look into the use of MMAASSTTEERR and SSLLAAVVEE modes (see the --MM and --SS options). --RR Do not record the installation of a package. This means that you cannot deinstall it later, so only use this option if you know what you are doing! --SS Run in SSLLAAVVEE mode. This is a very specialized mode for running ppkkgg__aadddd and is meant to be run in conjunction with MMAASSTTEERR mode. When run in this mode, ppkkgg__aadddd expects the release contents to be already extracted and waiting in the staging area, the location of which is read as a string from stdin. The complete packing list is also read from stdin, and the contents then acted on as normal. --ss _v_e_r_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_-_t_y_p_e Use a callout to an external program to verify the binary package being installed against an existing detached signature file. The signature file must reside in the same directory as the binary package. At the present time, the following verification types are defined: none, gpg and pgp5. The signature will be verified at install time, and the results will be displayed. If the sig- nature type is anything other than none, the user will be asked if ppkkgg__aadddd should proceed to install the binary package. The user must then take the decision whether to proceed or not, depending upon the amount of trust that is placed in the signa- tory of the binary package. Please note that, at the current time, it is not possible to use the verification feature when using ppkkgg__aadddd to add a binary package via a URL - the package, and the related detached signature file, must be local for the verification to work. --tt _t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e Use _t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e as the input to mktemp(3) when creating a ``staging area.'' By default, this is the string _/_v_a_r_/_t_m_p_/_i_n_s_t_m_p_._X_X_X_X_X_X, but it may be necessary to override it in the situation where space in your _/_v_a_r_/_t_m_p directory is limited. Be sure to leave some number of `X' characters for mktemp(3) to fill in with a unique ID. You can get a performance boost by setting the staging area _t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e to reside on the same disk partition as target directo- ries for package file installation; often this is _/_u_s_r. --uu If the package that's being installed is already installed, either in the same or a different version, an update is per- formed. See below for a more detailed description of the process. --VV Print version number and exit. --vv Turn on verbose output. --WW _v_i_e_w_b_a_s_e Set _v_i_e_w_b_a_s_e as the base directory for the managed views. The default _v_i_e_w_b_a_s_e directory is set by pkg_view(1). This value also may be set from the LOCALBASE environment variable. --ww _v_i_e_w Set the _v_i_e_w to which packages should be added after installa- tion. The default _v_i_e_w is set by pkg_view(1). This value also may be set from the PKG_VIEW environment variable. One or more _p_k_g_-_n_a_m_e arguments may be specified, each being either a file containing the package (these usually ending with the ``.tgz'' suffix) or a URL pointing at a file available on an ftp or web site. Thus you may extract files directly from their anonymous ftp or WWW locations (e.g., ppkkgg__aadddd ages/1.5/i386/shells/bash-2.04.tgz or ppkkgg__aadddd http://www.exam- Note: For ftp transfers, if you wish to use _p_a_s_s_i_v_e _m_o_d_e ftp in such transfers, set the variable _F_T_P___P_A_S_- _S_I_V_E___M_O_D_E to some value in your environment. Otherwise, the more stan- dard ACTIVE mode may be used. If ppkkgg__aadddd consistently fails to fetch a package from a site known to work, it may be because you have a firewall that demands the usage of _p_a_s_s_i_v_e _m_o_d_e ftp. TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL DDEETTAAIILLSS ppkkgg__aadddd extracts each package's "packing list" into a special staging directory in /var/tmp (or $PKG_TMPDIR if set) and then runs through the following sequence to fully extract the contents of the package: 1. A check is made to determine if the package or another version of it is already recorded as installed. If it is, installa- tion is terminated if the --uu option is not given. If the --uu option is given, it's assumed the package should be replaced by the new version instead. Before doing so, all packages that depend on the pkg being upgraded are checked if they also work with the new version. If that test is success- ful, replacing is prepared by moving an existing _+_R_E_Q_U_I_R_E_D___B_Y file aside (if it exists), and running pkg_delete(1) on the installed package. Installation then proceeds as if the pack- age was not installed, and restores the _+_R_E_Q_U_I_R_E_D___B_Y file afterwards. 2. A check is made to determine if the package conflicts (from @@ppkkggccffll directives, see pkg_create(1)) with an already recorded as installed package. If it is, installation is ter- minated. 3. All package dependencies (from @@ppkkggddeepp directives, see pkg_create(1)) are read from the packing list. If any of these required packages are not currently installed, an attempt is made to find and install it; if the missing package cannot be found or installed, the installation is terminated. 4. A search is made for any @@ooppttiioonn directives which control how the package is added to the system. The only currently imple- mented option is @@ooppttiioonn eexxttrraacctt--iinn--ppllaaccee, which causes the package to be extracted directly into its prefix directory rather than moving it through a staging area in _/_v_a_r_/_t_m_p. 5. If @@ooppttiioonn eexxttrraacctt--iinn--ppllaaccee is enabled, the package is now extracted directly into its final location, otherwise it is extracted into the staging area. 6. The package build information is extracted from the _+_B_U_I_L_D___I_N_F_O file and compared against the result of uname(3). If the operating system or architecture of the package differ from that of the host, installation is aborted. This behavior is overridable with the --ff flag. 7. If the package contains a _r_e_q_u_i_r_e script (see pkg_create(1)), it is executed with the following arguments: _p_k_g_-_n_a_m_e The name of the package being installed IINNSSTTAALLLL Keyword denoting to the script that it is to run an installation requirements check. (The key- word is useful only to scripts which serve mul- tiple functions). If the _r_e_q_u_i_r_e script exits with a non-zero status code, the installation is terminated. 8. If the package contains an _i_n_s_t_a_l_l script, it is executed with the following arguments: _p_k_g_-_n_a_m_e The name of the package being installed. PPRREE--IINNSSTTAALLLL Keyword denoting that the script is to perform any actions needed before the package is installed. If the _i_n_s_t_a_l_l script exits with a non-zero status code, the installation is terminated. 9. If @@ooppttiioonn eexxttrraacctt--iinn--ppllaaccee is not present in the packing list, then it is used as a guide for moving (or copying, as necessary) files from the staging area into their final loca- tions. 10. If the package contains an _m_t_r_e_e_f_i_l_e file (see pkg_create(1)), then mtree is invoked as: mmttrreeee --uu --ff _m_t_r_e_e_f_i_l_e --dd --ee --pp _p_r_e_f_i_x where _p_r_e_f_i_x is either the prefix specified with the --pp flag or, if no --pp flag was specified, the name of the first direc- tory named by a @@ccwwdd directive within this package. 11. If an _i_n_s_t_a_l_l script exists for the package, it is executed with the following arguments: _p_k_g___n_a_m_e The name of the package being installed. PPOOSSTT--IINNSSTTAALLLL Keyword denoting that the script is to perform any actions needed after the package has been installed. 12. After installation is complete, a copy of the packing list, _d_e_i_n_s_t_a_l_l script, description, and display files are copied into _/_v_a_r_/_d_b_/_p_k_g_/_<_p_k_g_-_n_a_m_e_> for subsequent possible use by pkg_delete(1). Any package dependencies are recorded in the other packages' _/_v_a_r_/_d_b_/_p_k_g_/_<_o_t_h_e_r_-_p_k_g_>_/_+_R_E_Q_U_I_R_E_D___B_Y file (if an alternate package database directory is specified, then it overrides the _/_v_a_r_/_d_b_/_p_k_g path shown above). 13. If the package is a depoted package, then add it to the default view. 14. The staging area is deleted and the program terminates. 15. Finally, if we were upgrading a package, any _+_R_E_Q_U_I_R_E_D___B_Y file that was moved aside before upgrading was started is now moved back into place. The _i_n_s_t_a_l_l and _r_e_q_u_i_r_e scripts are called with the environment variable PKG_PREFIX set to the installation prefix (see the --pp option above). This allows a package author to write a script that reliably performs some action on the directory where the package is installed, even if the user might change it with the --pp flag to ppkkgg__aadddd. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT LOCALBASE This is the location of the _v_i_e_w_b_a_s_e directory in which all the views are managed. The default _v_i_e_w_b_a_s_e directory is _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g. PKG_DBDIR If the --KK flag isn't given, then PKG_DBDIR is the location of the package database directory. The default package database directory is _/_v_a_r_/_d_b_/_p_k_g. PKG_PATH The value of the PKG_PATH is used if a given package can't be found, it's usually set to _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c_/_p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s_/_A_l_l. The environment variable should be a series of entries separated by semicolons. Each entry consists of a directory name or URL. The current directory may be indicated implicitly by an empty directory name, or explicitly by a single period. FTP URLs may not end with a slash. PKG_TMPDIR Staging directory for installing packages, defaults to /var/tmp. Set to directory with lots of free disk if you run out of space when installing a binary package. PKG_VIEW The default view can be specified in the PKG_VIEW environment variable. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS In all cases, ppkkgg__aadddd will try to install binary packages listed in dependencies list. You can specify a compiled binary package explicitly on the command line. # pkg_add /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All/tcsh-6.10.00.tgz If you omit the version number, ppkkgg__aadddd will install the latest version available. With --vv, ppkkgg__aadddd emits more messages to terminal. # pkg_add -v /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All/unzip You can grab a compiled binary package from remote location, by specify- ing a URL. The URL can be put into an environment variable, PKG_PATH. # pkg_add -v # export PKG_PATH= # pkg_add -v mozilla SSEEEE AALLSSOO pkg_admin(1), pkg_create(1), pkg_delete(1), pkg_info(1), mktemp(3), sysconf(3), packages(7), mtree(8) AAUUTTHHOORRSS Jordan Hubbard Initial work and ongoing development. John Kohl NetBSD refinements. Hubert Feyrer NetBSD wildcard dependency processing, pkgdb, upgrading, etc. Thomas Klausner HTTP support. BBUUGGSS Hard links between files in a distribution are only preserved if either (1) the staging area is on the same file system as the target directory of all the links to the file, or (2) all the links to the file are brack- eted by @@ccwwdd directives in the contents file, _a_n_d and the link names are extracted with a single ttaarr command (not split between invocations due to exec argument-space limitations--this depends on the value returned by ssyyssccoonnff(___S_C___A_R_G___M_A_X)). Pkg upgrading needs a lot more work to be really universal. Sure to be others. NetBSD 1.6 December 20, 2003 NetBSD 1.6