The biblatex package is a complete reimplementation of the bibliographic facilities provided by LaTeX. A custom backend "Biber" by default is used which processed the BibTeX format data files and them performs all sorting, label generation (and a great deal more). Legacy BibTeX is also supported as a backend, albeit with a reduced feature set. Biblatex does not use the backend to format the bibliography information as with traditional BibTeX: instead of being implemented in BibTeX's style files, the formatting of the bibliography is entirely controlled by TeX macros. Good working knowledge in LaTeX should be sufficient to design new bibliography and citation styles. There is no need to learn BibTeX's postfix stack language. Just like the bibliography styles, all citation commands may be freely (re)defined. Apart from the features unique to biblatex, the package also incorporates core features of the following packages: babelbib,backref, bibtopic, bibunits, chapterbib, cite, citeref, inlinebib, mlbib, multibib, natbib, splitbib. There are also some conceptual parallels to the amsrefs package. The biblatex package supports split bibliographies, multiple bibliographies within one document,and separate lists of bibliographic shorthands. Bibliographies may be subdivided into parts (by chapter, by section, etc.) and/or segmented by topics (by type, by keyword, etc.). With biber as the backend, features such as customisable sorting, multiple bibliographies with different sorting, customisable labels, dynamic data modification are available. The package is fully localized and can interface with the babel package.