$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.2 1998/08/07 11:09:39 agc Exp $ *** Makefile.orig Wed Jan 26 20:32:33 1994 --- Makefile Mon Nov 20 01:31:41 1995 *************** *** 38,44 **** STATICFLAG=FOOBAR${HOST_ARCH} ! CFLAGS = -g -I. ${$(STATICFLAG)} # The following is better if you want to make sure you run with SYSV defined # CFLAGS = -g -I. ${$(STATICFLAG)} -DSYSV # Also, for SGI Irix, compile in K&R mode --- 38,44 ---- STATICFLAG=FOOBAR${HOST_ARCH} ! CFLAGS += -I. ${$(STATICFLAG)} # The following is better if you want to make sure you run with SYSV defined # CFLAGS = -g -I. ${$(STATICFLAG)} -DSYSV # Also, for SGI Irix, compile in K&R mode *************** *** 49,57 **** # LDLIBS variable. # # For Sun and BSD systems, the following should work... ! LDLIBS = # On BSD 4.4 systems, you will need the following ! # LDLIBS = -lcompat # On SGI machines, we need -lsun for getpw...(), and -lc_s saves some space. # LDLIBS = -lsun -lc_s # ISC SysVr3.2.2 has a shared C library and requires libinet.a to resolve --- 49,57 ---- # LDLIBS variable. # # For Sun and BSD systems, the following should work... ! # LDLIBS = # On BSD 4.4 systems, you will need the following ! LDLIBS = -s -lcompat # On SGI machines, we need -lsun for getpw...(), and -lc_s saves some space. # LDLIBS = -lsun -lc_s # ISC SysVr3.2.2 has a shared C library and requires libinet.a to resolve *************** *** 72,81 **** # install -s -c $(LOCALBINDIR) $$file # #INSTALL = cp ! INSTALL = install -c -s # Root of installation tree ! INSTROOT = /usr/local # # This is where binaries should be copied LOCALBINDIR = ${INSTROOT}/bin --- 72,81 ---- # install -s -c $(LOCALBINDIR) $$file # #INSTALL = cp ! INSTALL = install -c # Root of installation tree ! INSTROOT = ${PREFIX} # # This is where binaries should be copied LOCALBINDIR = ${INSTROOT}/bin *************** *** 96,104 **** # This helps with the "for" constructs below on some platforms: SHELL=/bin/sh ! install: basics ! basics:: (cd metamail ; $(MAKE) CONFIGDIR=../${CONFIGDIR} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CC="${CC}" LDLIBS="${LDLIBS}") -${RM} bin/metamail (cd bin; ${LN} ../metamail/metamail metamail) --- 96,104 ---- # This helps with the "for" constructs below on some platforms: SHELL=/bin/sh ! install: install-all ! all basics:: (cd metamail ; $(MAKE) CONFIGDIR=../${CONFIGDIR} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CC="${CC}" LDLIBS="${LDLIBS}") -${RM} bin/metamail (cd bin; ${LN} ../metamail/metamail metamail) *************** *** 117,123 **** (cd bin; ${LN} ../richmail/richtext richtext) -${RM} bin/richtoatk (cd bin; ${LN} ../richmail/richtoatk richtoatk) ! (cd fonts ; $(MAKE) CONFIGDIR=../${CONFIGDIR} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CC="${CC}" LDLIBS="${LDLIBS}" FONTSUFFIX="${FONTSUFFIX}") -${RM} bin/shownonascii (cd bin; ${LN} ../fonts/shownonascii shownonascii) -${RM} bin/mailto-hebrew --- 117,123 ---- (cd bin; ${LN} ../richmail/richtext richtext) -${RM} bin/richtoatk (cd bin; ${LN} ../richmail/richtoatk richtoatk) ! (cd fonts ; $(MAKE) PREFIX=${PREFIX} CONFIGDIR=../${CONFIGDIR} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CC="${CC}" LDLIBS="${LDLIBS}" FONTSUFFIX="${FONTSUFFIX}") -${RM} bin/shownonascii (cd bin; ${LN} ../fonts/shownonascii shownonascii) -${RM} bin/mailto-hebrew *************** *** 149,154 **** --- 149,155 ---- -mv $(MAILCAPDIR)/mailcap $(MAILCAPDIR)/mailcap.old @echo "installing file $(MAILCAPDIR)/mailcap" ${CP} mailcap $(MAILCAPDIR) + (cd fonts ; $(MAKE) PREFIX=${PREFIX} CONFIGDIR=../${CONFIGDIR} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CC="${CC}" LDLIBS="${LDLIBS}" FONTSUFFIX="${FONTSUFFIX}" install) uninstall-all: @(cd bin; \