#	$NetBSD: RB800,v 1.40 2022/08/07 03:08:40 rin Exp $
#	RB800 -- everything that's currently supported

include 	"arch/evbppc/conf/std.mpc85xx"

options 	INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE	# embed config file in kernel binary

ident 		"RB800-$Revision: 1.40 $"

maxusers	32

#options 	UVMHIST

options 	MPC8544
options 	PPC_HAVE_SPE
no options 	GUR_BASE
options 	GUR_BASE=0xe0000000

options 	PAX_ASLR=0

#options 	INSECURE	# disable kernel security levels
#options 	NTP		# NTP phase/frequency locked loop
options 	KTRACE		# system call tracing via ktrace(1)

options 	SYSVMSG		# System V message queues
options 	SYSVSEM		# System V semaphores
options 	SYSVSHM		# System V shared memory

options 	MODULAR		# new style module(7) framework

options 	USERCONF	# userconf(4) support
#options	PIPE_SOCKETPAIR	# smaller, but slower pipe(2)
#options 	SYSCTL_INCLUDE_DESCR	# Include sysctl descriptions in kernel

# Alternate buffer queue strategies for better responsiveness under high
# disk I/O load.

# Diagnostic/debugging support options
options 	DIAGNOSTIC	# cheap kernel consistency checks
options 	DEBUG		# expensive debugging checks/support
#options 	SYSCALL_DEBUG	# syscall debugging
options 	DDB		# in-kernel debugger
options 	DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=512	# enable history editing in DDB
makeoptions	COPY_SYMTAB=1	# size for embedded symbol table

makeoptions	DEBUG="-g"	# compile full symbol table

# Compatibility options
include 	"conf/compat_netbsd13.config"
#options 	COMPAT_386BSD_MBRPART # recognize old partition ID

# Wedge support
options 	DKWEDGE_AUTODISCOVER	# Automatically add dk(4) instances
options 	DKWEDGE_METHOD_GPT	# Supports GPT partitions as wedges

# File systems
file-system 	FFS		# UFS
file-system 	EXT2FS		# second extended file system (linux)
file-system 	LFS		# log-structured file system
file-system 	MFS		# memory file system
file-system 	NFS		# Network File System client
file-system 	CD9660		# ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge file system
file-system 	MSDOSFS		# MS-DOS file system
#file-system 	FDESC		# /dev/fd
file-system 	TMPFS		# efficient memory file system
file-system 	KERNFS		# /kern
file-system 	NULLFS		# loopback file system
#file-system 	OVERLAY		# overlay file system
#file-system	PUFFS		# Userspace file systems (e.g. ntfs-3g & sshfs)
file-system 	PROCFS		# /proc
#file-system 	UMAPFS		# NULLFS + uid and gid remapping
#file-system 	UNION		# union file system
file-system	PTYFS		# /dev/pts/N support

# File system options
options 	FFS_EI		# FFS Endian Independent support
#options 	FFS_NO_SNAPSHOT	# No FFS snapshot support
options 	QUOTA		# legacy UFS quotas
options 	QUOTA2		# new, in-filesystem UFS quotas
options 	UFS_DIRHASH	# UFS Large Directory Hashing
#options 	UFS_EXTATTR	# Extended attribute support for UFS1
options 	WAPBL		# File system journaling support
#options 	LFS_DIRHASH	# LFS version of UFS_DIRHASH - experimental
options 	EXT2FS_SYSTEM_FLAGS # makes ext2fs file flags (append and
				# immutable) behave as system flags.
#options 	DISKLABEL_EI	# disklabel Endian Independent support
options 	NFSSERVER	# Network File System server

options 	NFS_BOOT_BOOTP	# Support BOOTP NFS root
#options 	NFS_BOOT_DHCP	# Support DHCP NFS root

# Networking options
#options 	GATEWAY		# packet forwarding
options 	INET		# IP + ICMP + TCP + UDP
#options 	INET6		# IPV6
#options 	IPSEC		# IP security
#options 	IPSEC_DEBUG	# debug for IP security
#options 	MROUTING	# IP multicast routing
#options 	PIM		# Protocol Independent Multicast
#options 	NETATALK	# AppleTalk networking protocols
#options 	PPP_BSDCOMP	# BSD-Compress compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_DEFLATE	# Deflate compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_FILTER	# Active filter support for PPP (requires bpf)
#options 	TCP_DEBUG	# Record last TCP_NDEBUG packets with SO_DEBUG

# These options enable verbose messages for several subsystems.
# Warning, these may compile large string tables into the kernel!
options 	PCIVERBOSE	# verbose PCI device autoconfig messages
options 	MIIVERBOSE	# verbose PHY autoconfig messages
#options 	PCI_CONFIG_DUMP	# verbosely dump PCI config space
options 	SCSIVERBOSE	# human readable SCSI error messages
options 	PCI_NETBSD_CONFIGURE	# Do not rely on BIOS/whatever to configure PCI devices
options 	PCI_CONFIGURE_VERBOSE	# Show PCI config information

# wscons options
#options 	WSEMUL_SUN		# sun terminal emulation
#options 	WSEMUL_VT100		# VT100 / VT220 emulation
#options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_USL		# wsconscfg VT handling

# Kernel root file system and dump configuration.
config		netbsd		root on ? type ?
config		nfsnetbsd	root on tsec1 type nfs

# Device configuration

mainbus0 at root			# Processor Local Bus

cpunode*	at mainbus? node ?

cpu0		at cpunode?

obio0		at cpunode?		# On-chip Peripheral Bus
#ds1553rtc0	at obio0 addr 0xf8000000 size 8192
#wdc0		at obio0 cs 2
#atabus* 	at wdc?
#wd*		at atabus?
gpio*		at gpiobus?

# NOR Flash
#options 	NOR_VERBOSE
cfi0	 	at obio0 cs 0
nor*		at cfi?
flash*		at nor? offset 0 size 0x1000000

e500wdog*	at cpunode?		# Watchdog timer

duart*		at cpunode?
com*		at duart? port ?
options		CONSPEED=115200

tsec0		at cpunode? phy 2	# 3-Speed Ethernet Controller (phy 2)
mdio0		at tsec0
tsec1		at cpunode? mdio 0 phy 1 # 3-Speed Ethernet Controller (phy 1)
atphy*		at mii?			# Attansic PHY
ukphy*		at mii?

diic*		at cpunode?		# i2c bus
iic*		at diic?
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x48
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x49
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x4a
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x4b
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x4c
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x4d
#lm* 		at iic? addr 0x4e
#lm*	 	at iic? addr 0x4f

options 	PCI_MEMBASE=0xa0000000,PCI_MEMSIZE=0x04000000
options 	PCI_IOBASE=0xb0000000,PCI_IOSIZE=0x00100000
pq3pcie*	at cpunode?		# PCI-Express controller
pq3pci*		at cpunode?		# PCI(X)
pci*		at pq3pcie?
pci*		at pq3pci?

ppb*		at pci? dev ? function ?	# PCI-PCI bridges
pci*		at ppb?

alc*		at pci? dev ? function ?

# NVM Express controllers and devices
nvme*		at pci? dev ? function ?
ld*		at nvme? nsid ?

ahcisata*	at pci? dev ? function ?	# AHCI SATA controllers
atabus* 	at ahcisata? channel ?

#ehci*		at pci? dev ? function ?
#ohci*		at pci? dev ? function ?
#uhci*		at pci? dev ? function ?
#usb*		at ehci?
#usb*		at ohci?
#usb*		at uhci?
#uhub*		at usb?
#umass*		at uhub? port ?
#scsibus*	at umass? channel ?

arcmsr* 	at pci? dev ? function ?
scsibus* 	at arcmsr?
sd*		at scsibus? target ? lun ?

viaide* 	at pci? dev ? function ?
atabus* 	at viaide? channel ?
wd*		at atabus? drive ?
#rtk*		at pci? dev ? function ?
wm*		at pci? dev ? function ?	# Intel Ethernet

makphy* 	at mii? phy ?			# Marvell PHYs
ukphy*		at mii? phy ?			# generic unknown PHYs

pseudo-device	md			# memory disk device
pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback
pseudo-device	bpfilter		# packet filter
pseudo-device 	carp			# Common Address Redundancy Protocol
pseudo-device	clockctl		# user control of clock subsystem
pseudo-device	drvctl			# user control of drive subsystem
pseudo-device	ksyms			# /dev/ksyms
pseudo-device	pty			# pseudo-terminals
pseudo-device	kttcp			# kernel ttcp

include "dev/veriexec.config"