/* $NetBSD: if_pppoe.c,v 1.183 2022/08/15 08:28:41 knakahara Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Martin Husemann <martin@NetBSD.org>. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: if_pppoe.c,v 1.183 2022/08/15 08:28:41 knakahara Exp $"); #ifdef _KERNEL_OPT #include "pppoe.h" #include "opt_pppoe.h" #include "opt_net_mpsafe.h" #endif #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/atomic.h> #include <sys/callout.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/kauth.h> #include <sys/intr.h> #include <sys/socketvar.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/module.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/rwlock.h> #include <sys/mutex.h> #include <sys/psref.h> #include <sys/cprng.h> #include <sys/workqueue.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_types.h> #include <net/if_ether.h> #include <net/if_sppp.h> #include <net/if_spppvar.h> #include <net/if_pppoe.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <net/bpf.h> #include "ioconf.h" #ifdef NET_MPSAFE #define PPPOE_MPSAFE 1 #endif #ifndef PPPOE_DEQUEUE_MAXLEN #define PPPOE_DEQUEUE_MAXLEN IFQ_MAXLEN #endif struct pppoehdr { uint8_t vertype; uint8_t code; uint16_t session; uint16_t plen; } __packed; struct pppoetag { uint16_t tag; uint16_t len; } __packed; #define PPPOE_HEADERLEN sizeof(struct pppoehdr) #define PPPOE_OVERHEAD (PPPOE_HEADERLEN + 2) #define PPPOE_VERTYPE 0x11 /* VER=1, TYPE = 1 */ #define PPPOE_TAG_EOL 0x0000 /* end of list */ #define PPPOE_TAG_SNAME 0x0101 /* service name */ #define PPPOE_TAG_ACNAME 0x0102 /* access concentrator name */ #define PPPOE_TAG_HUNIQUE 0x0103 /* host unique */ #define PPPOE_TAG_ACCOOKIE 0x0104 /* AC cookie */ #define PPPOE_TAG_VENDOR 0x0105 /* vendor specific */ #define PPPOE_TAG_RELAYSID 0x0110 /* relay session id */ #define PPPOE_TAG_MAX_PAYLOAD 0x0120 /* max payload */ #define PPPOE_TAG_SNAME_ERR 0x0201 /* service name error */ #define PPPOE_TAG_ACSYS_ERR 0x0202 /* AC system error */ #define PPPOE_TAG_GENERIC_ERR 0x0203 /* generic error */ #define PPPOE_CODE_PADI 0x09 /* Active Discovery Initiation */ #define PPPOE_CODE_PADO 0x07 /* Active Discovery Offer */ #define PPPOE_CODE_PADR 0x19 /* Active Discovery Request */ #define PPPOE_CODE_PADS 0x65 /* Active Discovery Session confirmation */ #define PPPOE_CODE_PADT 0xA7 /* Active Discovery Terminate */ /* two byte PPP protocol discriminator, then IP data */ #define PPPOE_MAXMTU (ETHERMTU - PPPOE_OVERHEAD) /* Add a 16 bit unsigned value to a buffer pointed to by PTR */ #define PPPOE_ADD_16(PTR, VAL) \ *(PTR)++ = (VAL) / 256; \ *(PTR)++ = (VAL) % 256 /* Add a complete PPPoE header to the buffer pointed to by PTR */ #define PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(PTR, CODE, SESS, LEN) \ *(PTR)++ = PPPOE_VERTYPE; \ *(PTR)++ = (CODE); \ PPPOE_ADD_16(PTR, SESS); \ PPPOE_ADD_16(PTR, LEN) #define PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT (hz*5) /* base for quick timeout calculation */ #define PPPOE_SLOW_RETRY (hz*60) /* persistent retry interval */ #define PPPOE_RECON_FAST (hz*15) /* first retry after auth failure */ #define PPPOE_RECON_IMMEDIATE (hz/10) /* "no delay" reconnect */ #define PPPOE_RECON_PADTRCVD (hz*5) /* reconnect delay after PADT received */ #define PPPOE_DISC_MAXPADI 4 /* retry PADI four times (quickly) */ #define PPPOE_DISC_MAXPADR 2 /* retry PADR twice */ #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER /* from if_spppsubr.c */ #define IFF_PASSIVE IFF_LINK0 /* wait passively for connection */ #endif #define PPPOE_LOCK(_sc, _op) rw_enter(&(_sc)->sc_lock, (_op)) #define PPPOE_UNLOCK(_sc) rw_exit(&(_sc)->sc_lock) #define PPPOE_WLOCKED(_sc) rw_write_held(&(_sc)->sc_lock) #ifdef PPPOE_MPSAFE #define DECLARE_SPLNET_VARIABLE #define ACQUIRE_SPLNET() do { } while (0) #define RELEASE_SPLNET() do { } while (0) #else #define DECLARE_SPLNET_VARIABLE int __s #define ACQUIRE_SPLNET() do { \ __s = splnet(); \ } while (0) #define RELEASE_SPLNET() do { \ splx(__s); \ } while (0) #endif #ifdef PPPOE_DEBUG #define DPRINTF(_sc, _fmt, _arg...) pppoe_printf((_sc), (_fmt), ##_arg) #else #define DPRINTF(_sc, _fmt, _arg...) __nothing #endif struct pppoe_softc { struct sppp sc_sppp; /* contains a struct ifnet as first element */ LIST_ENTRY(pppoe_softc) sc_list; struct ifnet *sc_eth_if; /* ethernet interface we are using */ uint64_t sc_id; /* id of this softc, our hunique */ int sc_state; /* discovery phase or session connected */ struct ether_addr sc_dest; /* hardware address of concentrator */ uint16_t sc_session; /* PPPoE session id */ char *sc_service_name; /* if != NULL: requested name of service */ char *sc_concentrator_name; /* if != NULL: requested concentrator id */ uint8_t *sc_ac_cookie; /* content of AC cookie we must echo back */ size_t sc_ac_cookie_len; /* length of cookie data */ uint8_t *sc_relay_sid; /* content of relay SID we must echo back */ size_t sc_relay_sid_len; /* length of relay SID data */ #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER uint8_t *sc_hunique; /* content of host unique we must echo back */ size_t sc_hunique_len; /* length of host unique */ #endif callout_t sc_timeout; /* timeout while not in session state */ struct workqueue *sc_timeout_wq; /* workqueue for timeout */ struct work sc_timeout_wk; u_int sc_timeout_scheduled; int sc_padi_retried; /* number of PADI retries already done */ int sc_padr_retried; /* number of PADR retries already done */ krwlock_t sc_lock; /* lock of sc_state, sc_session, and sc_eth_if */ bool sc_detaching; }; /* incoming traffic will be queued here */ struct ifqueue ppoediscinq = { .ifq_maxlen = IFQ_MAXLEN }; struct ifqueue ppoeinq = { .ifq_maxlen = IFQ_MAXLEN }; void *pppoe_softintr = NULL; static void pppoe_softintr_handler(void *); extern int sppp_ioctl(struct ifnet *, unsigned long, void *); /* input routines */ static void pppoeintr(void); static void pppoe_disc_input(struct mbuf *); static void pppoe_dispatch_disc_pkt(struct mbuf *, int); static void pppoe_data_input(struct mbuf *); static void pppoe_enqueue(struct ifqueue *, struct mbuf *); /* management routines */ static int pppoe_connect(struct pppoe_softc *); static int pppoe_disconnect(struct pppoe_softc *); static void pppoe_abort_connect(struct pppoe_softc *); static int pppoe_ioctl(struct ifnet *, unsigned long, void *); static void pppoe_tls(struct sppp *); static void pppoe_tlf(struct sppp *); static void pppoe_start(struct ifnet *); #ifdef PPPOE_MPSAFE static int pppoe_transmit(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *); #endif static void pppoe_clear_softc(struct pppoe_softc *, const char *); static void pppoe_printf(struct pppoe_softc *, const char *, ...); /* internal timeout handling */ static void pppoe_timeout_co(void *); static void pppoe_timeout_co_halt(void *); static void pppoe_timeout_wk(struct work *, void *); static void pppoe_timeout(struct pppoe_softc *); /* sending actual protocol control packets */ static int pppoe_send_padi(struct pppoe_softc *); static int pppoe_send_padr(struct pppoe_softc *); #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER static int pppoe_send_pado(struct pppoe_softc *); static int pppoe_send_pads(struct pppoe_softc *); #endif static int pppoe_send_padt(struct ifnet *, u_int, const uint8_t *); /* raw output */ static int pppoe_output(struct pppoe_softc *, struct mbuf *); /* internal helper functions */ static struct pppoe_softc * pppoe_find_softc_by_session(u_int, struct ifnet *, krw_t); static struct pppoe_softc * pppoe_find_softc_by_hunique(uint8_t *, size_t, struct ifnet *, krw_t); static struct mbuf *pppoe_get_mbuf(size_t len); static void pppoe_ifattach_hook(void *, unsigned long, void *); static LIST_HEAD(pppoe_softc_head, pppoe_softc) pppoe_softc_list; static krwlock_t pppoe_softc_list_lock; static int pppoe_clone_create(struct if_clone *, int); static int pppoe_clone_destroy(struct ifnet *); static bool pppoe_term_unknown = false; static int pppoe_term_unknown_pps = 1; static struct sysctllog *pppoe_sysctl_clog; static void sysctl_net_pppoe_setup(struct sysctllog **); static struct if_clone pppoe_cloner = IF_CLONE_INITIALIZER("pppoe", pppoe_clone_create, pppoe_clone_destroy); /* ARGSUSED */ void pppoeattach(int count) { /* * Nothing to do here, initialization is handled by the * module initialization code in pppoeinit() below). */ } static void pppoeinit(void) { LIST_INIT(&pppoe_softc_list); rw_init(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); if_clone_attach(&pppoe_cloner); pppoe_softintr = softint_establish(SOFTINT_MPSAFE|SOFTINT_NET, pppoe_softintr_handler, NULL); sysctl_net_pppoe_setup(&pppoe_sysctl_clog); IFQ_LOCK_INIT(&ppoediscinq); IFQ_LOCK_INIT(&ppoeinq); } static int pppoedetach(void) { int error = 0; rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (!LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); error = EBUSY; } if (error == 0) { if_clone_detach(&pppoe_cloner); softint_disestablish(pppoe_softintr); /* Remove our sysctl sub-tree */ sysctl_teardown(&pppoe_sysctl_clog); } return error; } static void pppoe_softc_genid(uint64_t *id) { struct pppoe_softc *sc; uint64_t rndid; rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); while (1) { rndid = cprng_strong64(); sc = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(sc, &pppoe_softc_list, sc_list) { if (sc->sc_id == rndid) break; } if (sc == NULL) { break; } } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); *id = rndid; } static int pppoe_clone_create(struct if_clone *ifc, int unit) { struct pppoe_softc *sc; struct ifnet *ifp; int rv; sc = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(*sc), KM_SLEEP); ifp = &sc->sc_sppp.pp_if; rw_init(&sc->sc_lock); pppoe_softc_genid(&sc->sc_id); /* changed to real address later */ memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); if_initname(ifp, "pppoe", unit); ifp->if_softc = sc; ifp->if_mtu = PPPOE_MAXMTU; ifp->if_flags = IFF_SIMPLEX|IFF_POINTOPOINT|IFF_MULTICAST; #ifdef PPPOE_MPSAFE ifp->if_extflags = IFEF_MPSAFE; #endif ifp->if_type = IFT_PPP; ifp->if_hdrlen = sizeof(struct ether_header) + PPPOE_HEADERLEN; ifp->if_dlt = DLT_PPP_ETHER; ifp->if_ioctl = pppoe_ioctl; ifp->if_start = pppoe_start; #ifdef PPPOE_MPSAFE ifp->if_transmit = pppoe_transmit; #endif IFQ_SET_MAXLEN(&ifp->if_snd, IFQ_MAXLEN); IFQ_SET_READY(&ifp->if_snd); sc->sc_sppp.pp_tls = pppoe_tls; sc->sc_sppp.pp_tlf = pppoe_tlf; sc->sc_sppp.pp_flags |= PP_KEEPALIVE | /* use LCP keepalive */ PP_NOFRAMING; /* no serial encapsulation */ sc->sc_sppp.pp_framebytes = PPPOE_HEADERLEN; /* framing added to ppp packets */ rv = workqueue_create(&sc->sc_timeout_wq, ifp->if_xname, pppoe_timeout_wk, sc, PRI_SOFTNET, IPL_SOFTNET, 0); if (rv != 0) goto destroy_sclock; callout_init(&sc->sc_timeout, CALLOUT_MPSAFE); callout_setfunc(&sc->sc_timeout, pppoe_timeout_co, sc); if_initialize(ifp); ifp->if_percpuq = if_percpuq_create(ifp); rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { pfil_add_ihook(pppoe_ifattach_hook, NULL, PFIL_IFNET, if_pfil); } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pppoe_softc_list, sc, sc_list); rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); sppp_attach(ifp); bpf_attach(ifp, DLT_PPP_ETHER, 0); if_register(ifp); return 0; destroy_sclock: rw_destroy(&sc->sc_lock); kmem_free(sc, sizeof(*sc)); return rv; } static int pppoe_clone_destroy(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct pppoe_softc * sc = ifp->if_softc; PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); /* stop ioctls */ sc->sc_detaching = true; if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) { pppoe_clear_softc(sc, "destroy interface"); sc->sc_eth_if = NULL; } PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_WRITER); LIST_REMOVE(sc, sc_list); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { pfil_remove_ihook(pppoe_ifattach_hook, NULL, PFIL_IFNET, if_pfil); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); bpf_detach(ifp); sppp_detach(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if); if_detach(ifp); callout_setfunc(&sc->sc_timeout, pppoe_timeout_co_halt, sc); workqueue_wait(sc->sc_timeout_wq, &sc->sc_timeout_wk); workqueue_destroy(sc->sc_timeout_wq); callout_halt(&sc->sc_timeout, NULL); callout_destroy(&sc->sc_timeout); #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER if (sc->sc_hunique) { free(sc->sc_hunique, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_hunique = NULL; sc->sc_hunique_len = 0; } #endif if (sc->sc_concentrator_name) free(sc->sc_concentrator_name, M_DEVBUF); if (sc->sc_service_name) free(sc->sc_service_name, M_DEVBUF); if (sc->sc_ac_cookie) free(sc->sc_ac_cookie, M_DEVBUF); if (sc->sc_relay_sid) free(sc->sc_relay_sid, M_DEVBUF); rw_destroy(&sc->sc_lock); kmem_free(sc, sizeof(*sc)); return 0; } static void pppoe_printf(struct pppoe_softc *sc, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; bool pppoe_debug; #ifdef PPPOE_DEBUG pppoe_debug = true; #else pppoe_debug = false; #endif if (sc == NULL) { if (!pppoe_debug) return; printf("pppoe: "); } else { if (!ISSET(sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags, IFF_DEBUG)) return; printf("%s: ", sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_xname); } va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /* * Find the interface handling the specified session. * Note: O(number of sessions open), this is a client-side only, mean * and lean implementation, so number of open sessions typically should * be 1. */ static struct pppoe_softc * pppoe_find_softc_by_session(u_int session, struct ifnet *rcvif, krw_t lock) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = NULL; if (session == 0) return NULL; rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); LIST_FOREACH(sc, &pppoe_softc_list, sc_list) { PPPOE_LOCK(sc, lock); if ( sc->sc_state == PPPOE_STATE_SESSION && sc->sc_session == session && sc->sc_eth_if == rcvif) break; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); return sc; } /* Check host unique token passed and return appropriate softc pointer, * or NULL if token is bogus. */ static struct pppoe_softc * pppoe_find_softc_by_hunique(uint8_t *token, size_t len, struct ifnet *rcvif, krw_t lock) { struct pppoe_softc *sc; uint64_t t; CTASSERT(sizeof(t) == sizeof(sc->sc_id)); rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); return NULL; } if (len != sizeof(sc->sc_id)) { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); return NULL; } memcpy(&t, token, len); LIST_FOREACH(sc, &pppoe_softc_list, sc_list) { PPPOE_LOCK(sc, lock); if (sc->sc_id == t && sc->sc_eth_if != NULL) { break; } PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); if (sc == NULL) { pppoe_printf(NULL, "alien host unique tag" ", no session found\n"); return NULL; } /* should be safe to access *sc now */ if (sc->sc_state < PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT || sc->sc_state >= PPPOE_STATE_SESSION) { pppoe_printf(sc, "host unique tag found" ", but it belongs to a connection in state %d\n", sc->sc_state); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return NULL; } if (sc->sc_eth_if != rcvif) { pppoe_printf(sc, "wrong interface, not accepting host unique\n"); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return NULL; } return sc; } static void pppoe_softintr_handler(void *dummy) { /* called at splsoftnet() */ pppoeintr(); } /* called at appropriate protection level */ static void pppoeintr(void) { struct mbuf *m; int i; SOFTNET_LOCK_UNLESS_NET_MPSAFE(); for (i = 0; i < PPPOE_DEQUEUE_MAXLEN; i++) { IFQ_LOCK(&ppoediscinq); IF_DEQUEUE(&ppoediscinq, m); IFQ_UNLOCK(&ppoediscinq); if (m == NULL) break; pppoe_disc_input(m); } for (i = 0; i < PPPOE_DEQUEUE_MAXLEN; i++) { IFQ_LOCK(&ppoeinq); IF_DEQUEUE(&ppoeinq, m); IFQ_UNLOCK(&ppoeinq); if (m == NULL) break; pppoe_data_input(m); } #if PPPOE_DEQUEUE_MAXLEN < IFQ_MAXLEN if (!IF_IS_EMPTY(&ppoediscinq) || !IF_IS_EMPTY(&ppoeinq)) softint_schedule(pppoe_softintr); #endif SOFTNET_UNLOCK_UNLESS_NET_MPSAFE(); } /* analyze and handle a single received packet while not in session state */ static void pppoe_dispatch_disc_pkt(struct mbuf *m, int off) { uint16_t tag, len; uint16_t session, plen; struct pppoe_softc *sc; const char *err_msg; char *error; size_t dlen; uint8_t *ac_cookie; size_t ac_cookie_len; uint8_t *relay_sid; size_t relay_sid_len; uint8_t *hunique; size_t hunique_len; struct pppoehdr *ph; struct pppoetag *pt; struct mbuf *n; int noff, err, errortag; struct ether_header *eh; struct ifnet *rcvif; struct psref psref; if (m->m_len < sizeof(*eh)) { m = m_pullup(m, sizeof(*eh)); if (m == NULL) goto done; } eh = mtod(m, struct ether_header *); off += sizeof(*eh); if (m->m_pkthdr.len - off < PPPOE_HEADERLEN) { goto done; } M_REGION_GET(ph, struct pppoehdr *, m, off, sizeof(*ph)); if (ph == NULL) { goto done; } if (ph->vertype != PPPOE_VERTYPE) { goto done; } ac_cookie = NULL; ac_cookie_len = 0; relay_sid = NULL; relay_sid_len = 0; hunique = NULL; hunique_len = 0; session = ntohs(ph->session); plen = ntohs(ph->plen); off += sizeof(*ph); if (plen + off > m->m_pkthdr.len) { goto done; } m_adj(m, off + plen - m->m_pkthdr.len); /* ignore trailing garbage */ tag = 0; len = 0; sc = NULL; err_msg = NULL; errortag = 0; while (off + sizeof(*pt) <= m->m_pkthdr.len) { M_REGION_GET(pt, struct pppoetag *, m, off, sizeof(*pt)); if (pt == NULL) { goto done; } tag = ntohs(pt->tag); len = ntohs(pt->len); if (off + len + sizeof(*pt) > m->m_pkthdr.len) { goto done; } switch (tag) { case PPPOE_TAG_EOL: goto breakbreak; case PPPOE_TAG_SNAME: break; /* ignored */ case PPPOE_TAG_ACNAME: if (len > 0) { dlen = 4 * len + 1; error = malloc(dlen, M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT); if (error == NULL) break; n = m_pulldown(m, off + sizeof(*pt), len, &noff); if (!n) { m = NULL; free(error, M_TEMP); goto done; } strnvisx(error, dlen, mtod(n, char*) + noff, len, VIS_SAFE | VIS_OCTAL); pppoe_printf(NULL, "connected to %s\n", error); free(error, M_TEMP); } break; /* ignored */ case PPPOE_TAG_HUNIQUE: if (hunique == NULL) { n = m_pulldown(m, off + sizeof(*pt), len, &noff); if (!n) { m = NULL; err_msg = "TAG HUNIQUE ERROR"; break; } hunique = mtod(n, uint8_t *) + noff; hunique_len = len; } break; case PPPOE_TAG_ACCOOKIE: if (ac_cookie == NULL) { n = m_pulldown(m, off + sizeof(*pt), len, &noff); if (!n) { err_msg = "TAG ACCOOKIE ERROR"; m = NULL; break; } ac_cookie = mtod(n, char *) + noff; ac_cookie_len = len; } break; case PPPOE_TAG_RELAYSID: if (relay_sid == NULL) { n = m_pulldown(m, off + sizeof(*pt), len, &noff); if (!n) { err_msg = "TAG RELAYSID ERROR"; m = NULL; break; } relay_sid = mtod(n, char *) + noff; relay_sid_len = len; } break; case PPPOE_TAG_SNAME_ERR: err_msg = "SERVICE NAME ERROR"; errortag = 1; break; case PPPOE_TAG_ACSYS_ERR: err_msg = "AC SYSTEM ERROR"; errortag = 1; break; case PPPOE_TAG_GENERIC_ERR: err_msg = "GENERIC ERROR"; errortag = 1; break; } if (err_msg) { error = NULL; if (errortag && len) { dlen = 4 * len + 1; error = malloc(dlen, M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO); n = m_pulldown(m, off + sizeof(*pt), len, &noff); if (!n) { m = NULL; } else if (error) { strnvisx(error, dlen, mtod(n, char*) + noff, len, VIS_SAFE | VIS_OCTAL); } } if (error) { pppoe_printf(NULL, "%s: %s\n", err_msg, error); free(error, M_TEMP); } else pppoe_printf(NULL, "%s\n", err_msg); if (errortag || m == NULL) goto done; } off += sizeof(*pt) + len; } breakbreak:; switch (ph->code) { case PPPOE_CODE_PADI: #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER /* * got service name, concentrator name, and/or host unique. * ignore if we have no interfaces with IFF_PASSIVE|IFF_UP. */ rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); goto done; } LIST_FOREACH(sc, &pppoe_softc_list, sc_list) { PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); if (!(sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags & IFF_UP)) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); continue; } if (!(sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags & IFF_PASSIVE)) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); continue; } if (sc->sc_state == PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL) break; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); if (sc == NULL) { goto done; } if (hunique) { if (sc->sc_hunique) free(sc->sc_hunique, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_hunique = malloc(hunique_len, M_DEVBUF, M_DONTWAIT); if (sc->sc_hunique == NULL) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } sc->sc_hunique_len = hunique_len; memcpy(sc->sc_hunique, hunique, hunique_len); } memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, eh->ether_shost, sizeof sc->sc_dest); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_PADO_SENT; pppoe_send_pado(sc); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); break; #endif /* PPPOE_SERVER */ case PPPOE_CODE_PADR: #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER /* * get sc from ac_cookie if IFF_PASSIVE */ if (ac_cookie == NULL) { goto done; } rcvif = m_get_rcvif_psref(m, &psref); if (__predict_true(rcvif != NULL)) { sc = pppoe_find_softc_by_hunique(ac_cookie, ac_cookie_len, rcvif, RW_WRITER); } m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); if (sc == NULL) { /* be quiet if there is not a single pppoe instance */ rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (!LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { pppoe_printf(NULL, "received PADR" " but could not find request for it\n"); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); goto done; } if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_PADO_SENT) { pppoe_printf(sc, "received unexpected PADR\n"); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } if (hunique) { if (sc->sc_hunique) free(sc->sc_hunique, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_hunique = malloc(hunique_len, M_DEVBUF, M_DONTWAIT); if (sc->sc_hunique == NULL) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } sc->sc_hunique_len = hunique_len; memcpy(sc->sc_hunique, hunique, hunique_len); } pppoe_send_pads(sc); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_SESSION; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); sc->sc_sppp.pp_up(&sc->sc_sppp); break; #else /* ignore, we are no access concentrator */ goto done; #endif /* PPPOE_SERVER */ case PPPOE_CODE_PADO: rcvif = m_get_rcvif_psref(m, &psref); if (__predict_false(rcvif == NULL)) goto done; if (hunique != NULL) { sc = pppoe_find_softc_by_hunique(hunique, hunique_len, rcvif, RW_WRITER); } m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); if (sc == NULL) { /* be quiet if there is not a single pppoe instance */ rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (!LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { pppoe_printf(NULL, "received PADO" " but could not find request for it\n"); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); goto done; } if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT) { pppoe_printf(sc, "received unexpected PADO\n"); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } if (ac_cookie) { if (sc->sc_ac_cookie) free(sc->sc_ac_cookie, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_ac_cookie = malloc(ac_cookie_len, M_DEVBUF, M_DONTWAIT); if (sc->sc_ac_cookie == NULL) { pppoe_printf(sc, "FATAL: could not allocate memory " "for AC cookie\n"); sc->sc_ac_cookie_len = 0; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } sc->sc_ac_cookie_len = ac_cookie_len; memcpy(sc->sc_ac_cookie, ac_cookie, ac_cookie_len); } else if (sc->sc_ac_cookie) { free(sc->sc_ac_cookie, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_ac_cookie = NULL; sc->sc_ac_cookie_len = 0; } if (relay_sid) { if (sc->sc_relay_sid) free(sc->sc_relay_sid, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_relay_sid = malloc(relay_sid_len, M_DEVBUF, M_DONTWAIT); if (sc->sc_relay_sid == NULL) { pppoe_printf(sc, "FATAL: could not allocate memory " "for relay SID\n"); sc->sc_relay_sid_len = 0; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } sc->sc_relay_sid_len = relay_sid_len; memcpy(sc->sc_relay_sid, relay_sid, relay_sid_len); } else if (sc->sc_relay_sid) { free(sc->sc_relay_sid, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_relay_sid = NULL; sc->sc_relay_sid_len = 0; } memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, eh->ether_shost, sizeof sc->sc_dest); callout_stop(&sc->sc_timeout); sc->sc_padr_retried = 0; sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_PADR_SENT; if ((err = pppoe_send_padr(sc)) != 0) { if (err == ENOBUFS) { pppoe_printf(sc, "PADO is too large, drop it\n"); /* * Cannot send PADR generated by received PADO, * so restart from sending PAD*I*. */ sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT; callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT * (1 + sc->sc_padi_retried)); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } pppoe_printf(sc, "failed to send PADR, error=%d\n", err); } callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT * (1 + sc->sc_padr_retried)); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); break; case PPPOE_CODE_PADS: rcvif = m_get_rcvif_psref(m, &psref); if (__predict_false(rcvif == NULL)) goto done; if (hunique != NULL) { sc = pppoe_find_softc_by_hunique(hunique, hunique_len, rcvif, RW_WRITER); } m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); if (sc == NULL) goto done; if (memcmp(&sc->sc_dest, eh->ether_shost, sizeof sc->sc_dest) != 0) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } sc->sc_session = session; callout_stop(&sc->sc_timeout); pppoe_printf(sc, "session 0x%x connected\n", session); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_SESSION; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); sc->sc_sppp.pp_up(&sc->sc_sppp); /* notify upper layers */ break; case PPPOE_CODE_PADT: rcvif = m_get_rcvif_psref(m, &psref); if (__predict_false(rcvif == NULL)) goto done; sc = pppoe_find_softc_by_session(session, rcvif, RW_WRITER); m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); if (sc == NULL) goto done; if (memcmp(&sc->sc_dest, eh->ether_shost, sizeof sc->sc_dest) != 0) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); goto done; } pppoe_clear_softc(sc, "received PADT"); if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) { pppoe_printf(sc, "wait for reconnect\n"); callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, PPPOE_RECON_PADTRCVD); } PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); break; default: rcvif = m_get_rcvif_psref(m, &psref); if (__predict_false(rcvif == NULL)) goto done; if (hunique != NULL) { sc = pppoe_find_softc_by_hunique(hunique, hunique_len, rcvif, RW_READER); } m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); pppoe_printf(sc, "unknown code (0x%04x) session = 0x%04x\n", ph->code, session); if (sc == NULL) goto done; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); break; } done: if (m) m_freem(m); return; } static void pppoe_disc_input(struct mbuf *m) { KASSERT(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR); /* * Avoid error messages if there is not a single PPPoE instance. */ rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (!LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); pppoe_dispatch_disc_pkt(m, 0); } else { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); m_freem(m); } } static bool pppoe_is_my_frame(uint8_t *dhost, struct ifnet *rcvif) { if (memcmp(CLLADDR(rcvif->if_sadl), dhost, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0) return true; return false; } static void pppoe_data_input(struct mbuf *m) { uint16_t session, plen; struct pppoe_softc *sc; struct pppoehdr *ph; struct ifnet *rcvif; struct psref psref; uint8_t shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint8_t dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; bool term_unknown = pppoe_term_unknown; KASSERT(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR); /* * Avoid error messages if there is not a single PPPoE instance. */ rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); if (LIST_EMPTY(&pppoe_softc_list)) { rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); goto drop; } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); if (term_unknown) { memcpy(shost, mtod(m, struct ether_header*)->ether_shost, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); memcpy(dhost, mtod(m, struct ether_header*)->ether_dhost, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } m_adj(m, sizeof(struct ether_header)); if (m->m_pkthdr.len <= PPPOE_HEADERLEN) { goto drop; } if (m->m_len < sizeof(*ph)) { m = m_pullup(m, sizeof(*ph)); if (m == NULL) { return; } } ph = mtod(m, struct pppoehdr *); if (ph->vertype != PPPOE_VERTYPE) { goto drop; } if (ph->code != 0) { goto drop; } session = ntohs(ph->session); rcvif = m_get_rcvif_psref(m, &psref); if (__predict_false(rcvif == NULL)) goto drop; sc = pppoe_find_softc_by_session(session, rcvif, RW_READER); if (sc == NULL) { if (term_unknown) { static struct timeval lasttime = {0, 0}; static int curpps = 0; /* * avoid to send wrong PADT which is response from * session stage packets for other hosts when parent * ethernet is promiscuous mode. */ if (pppoe_is_my_frame(dhost, rcvif) && ppsratecheck(&lasttime, &curpps, pppoe_term_unknown_pps)) { pppoe_printf(NULL, "input for unknown session %#x, " "sending PADT\n", session); pppoe_send_padt(rcvif, session, shost); } } m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); goto drop; } m_put_rcvif_psref(rcvif, &psref); plen = ntohs(ph->plen); bpf_mtap(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if, m, BPF_D_IN); m_adj(m, PPPOE_HEADERLEN); #ifdef PPPOE_DEBUG { struct mbuf *p; printf("%s: pkthdr.len=%d, pppoe.len=%d", sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_xname, m->m_pkthdr.len, plen); p = m; while (p) { printf(" l=%d", p->m_len); p = p->m_next; } printf("\n"); } #endif PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); if (m->m_pkthdr.len < plen) goto drop; /* ignore trailing garbage */ m_adj(m, plen - m->m_pkthdr.len); /* * Fix incoming interface pointer (not the raw ethernet interface * anymore) */ m_set_rcvif(m, &sc->sc_sppp.pp_if); /* pass packet up and account for it */ if_statinc(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if, if_ipackets); sppp_input(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if, m); return; drop: m_freem(m); } static int pppoe_output(struct pppoe_softc *sc, struct mbuf *m) { struct sockaddr dst; struct ether_header *eh; uint16_t etype; if (sc->sc_eth_if == NULL) { m_freem(m); return EIO; } memset(&dst, 0, sizeof dst); dst.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC; eh = (struct ether_header*)&dst.sa_data; etype = sc->sc_state == PPPOE_STATE_SESSION ? ETHERTYPE_PPPOE : ETHERTYPE_PPPOEDISC; eh->ether_type = htons(etype); memcpy(&eh->ether_dhost, &sc->sc_dest, sizeof sc->sc_dest); DPRINTF(sc, "(%x) state=%d, session=0x%x output -> %s, len=%d\n", etype, sc->sc_state, sc->sc_session, ether_sprintf((const unsigned char *)&sc->sc_dest), m->m_pkthdr.len); m->m_flags &= ~(M_BCAST|M_MCAST); if_statinc(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if, if_opackets); return if_output_lock(sc->sc_eth_if, sc->sc_eth_if, m, &dst, NULL); } static int pppoe_parm_cpyinstr(struct pppoe_softc *sc, char **dst, const void *src, size_t len) { int error = 0; char *next = NULL; size_t bufsiz, cpysiz, strsiz; bufsiz = len + 1; if (src == NULL) goto out; bufsiz = len + 1; next = malloc(bufsiz, M_DEVBUF, M_WAITOK); if (next == NULL) return ENOMEM; error = copyinstr(src, next, bufsiz, &cpysiz); if (error != 0) goto fail; if (cpysiz != bufsiz) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } strsiz = strnlen(next, bufsiz); if (strsiz == bufsiz) { error = EINVAL; goto fail; } out: PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); if (*dst != NULL) free(*dst, M_DEVBUF); *dst = next; next = NULL; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); fail: if (next != NULL) free(next, M_DEVBUF); return error; } static int pppoe_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, unsigned long cmd, void *data) { struct lwp *l = curlwp; /* XXX */ struct pppoe_softc *sc = (struct pppoe_softc*)ifp; struct ifreq *ifr = data; int error = 0; switch (cmd) { case PPPOESETPARMS: { struct pppoediscparms *parms = (struct pppoediscparms*)data; if (kauth_authorize_network(l->l_cred, KAUTH_NETWORK_INTERFACE, KAUTH_REQ_NETWORK_INTERFACE_SETPRIV, ifp, (void *)cmd, NULL) != 0) return EPERM; if (parms->eth_ifname[0] != 0) { struct ifnet *eth_if; PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); if (sc->sc_detaching) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return ENXIO; } eth_if = ifunit(parms->eth_ifname); if (eth_if == NULL || eth_if->if_dlt != DLT_EN10MB) { sc->sc_eth_if = NULL; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return ENXIO; } if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu != eth_if->if_mtu - PPPOE_OVERHEAD) { sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu = eth_if->if_mtu - PPPOE_OVERHEAD; } sc->sc_eth_if = eth_if; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } error = pppoe_parm_cpyinstr(sc, &sc->sc_concentrator_name, parms->ac_name, parms->ac_name_len); if (error != 0) return error; error = pppoe_parm_cpyinstr(sc, &sc->sc_service_name, parms->service_name, parms->service_name_len); if (error != 0) return error; return 0; } break; case PPPOEGETPARMS: { struct pppoediscparms *parms = (struct pppoediscparms*)data; memset(parms, 0, sizeof *parms); PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_READER); if (sc->sc_eth_if) strlcpy(parms->ifname, sc->sc_eth_if->if_xname, sizeof(parms->ifname)); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return 0; } break; case PPPOEGETSESSION: { struct pppoeconnectionstate *state = (struct pppoeconnectionstate*)data; PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_READER); state->state = sc->sc_state; state->session_id = sc->sc_session; state->padi_retry_no = sc->sc_padi_retried; state->padr_retry_no = sc->sc_padr_retried; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return 0; } break; case SIOCSIFFLAGS: /* * Prevent running re-establishment timers overriding * administrators choice. */ PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); if (sc->sc_detaching) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return ENXIO; } if ((ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_UP) == 0 && sc->sc_state < PPPOE_STATE_SESSION) { callout_stop(&sc->sc_timeout); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL; sc->sc_padi_retried = 0; sc->sc_padr_retried = 0; memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); } PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); error = sppp_ioctl(ifp, cmd, data); return error; case SIOCSIFMTU: if (ifr->ifr_mtu > (sc->sc_eth_if == NULL ? PPPOE_MAXMTU : (sc->sc_eth_if->if_mtu - PPPOE_OVERHEAD))) { return EINVAL; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ default: return sppp_ioctl(ifp, cmd, data); } return 0; } /* * Allocate a mbuf/cluster with space to store the given data length * of payload, leaving space for prepending an ethernet header * in front. */ static struct mbuf * pppoe_get_mbuf(size_t len) { struct mbuf *m; if (len + sizeof(struct ether_header) > MCLBYTES) return NULL; MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == NULL) return NULL; if (len + sizeof(struct ether_header) > MHLEN) { MCLGET(m, M_DONTWAIT); if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) { m_free(m); return NULL; } } m->m_data += sizeof(struct ether_header); m->m_len = len; m->m_pkthdr.len = len; m_reset_rcvif(m); return m; } static int pppoe_send_padi(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { struct mbuf *m0; int len, l1 = 0, l2 = 0; uint8_t *p; if (sc->sc_state > PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT) panic("pppoe_send_padi in state %d", sc->sc_state); /* Compute packet length. */ len = sizeof(struct pppoetag); if (sc->sc_service_name != NULL) { l1 = strlen(sc->sc_service_name); len += l1; } if (sc->sc_concentrator_name != NULL) { l2 = strlen(sc->sc_concentrator_name); len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + l2; } len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sizeof(sc->sc_id); if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu > PPPOE_MAXMTU) { len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + 2; } /* Allocate packet. */ m0 = pppoe_get_mbuf(len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN); if (m0 == NULL) return ENOBUFS; /* Fill in packet. */ p = mtod(m0, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, PPPOE_CODE_PADI, 0, len); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_SNAME); if (sc->sc_service_name != NULL) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, l1); memcpy(p, sc->sc_service_name, l1); p += l1; } else { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, 0); } if (sc->sc_concentrator_name != NULL) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_ACNAME); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, l2); memcpy(p, sc->sc_concentrator_name, l2); p += l2; } PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_HUNIQUE); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sizeof(sc->sc_id)); memcpy(p, &sc->sc_id, sizeof(sc->sc_id)); p += sizeof(sc->sc_id); if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu > PPPOE_MAXMTU) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_MAX_PAYLOAD); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, 2); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, (uint16_t)sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu); } #ifdef PPPOE_DEBUG if (p - mtod(m0, uint8_t *) != len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN) panic("pppoe_send_padi: garbled output len, should be %ld, is %ld", (long)(len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN), (long)(p - mtod(m0, uint8_t *))); #endif /* Send packet. */ return pppoe_output(sc, m0); } static void pppoe_timeout_co(void *arg) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = (struct pppoe_softc *)arg; if (atomic_swap_uint(&sc->sc_timeout_scheduled, 1) != 0) return; workqueue_enqueue(sc->sc_timeout_wq, &sc->sc_timeout_wk, NULL); } static void pppoe_timeout_co_halt(void *unused __unused) { /* do nothing to halt callout safely */ } static void pppoe_timeout_wk(struct work *wk __unused, void *arg) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = (struct pppoe_softc *)arg; atomic_swap_uint(&sc->sc_timeout_scheduled, 0); pppoe_timeout(sc); } static void pppoe_timeout(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { int retry_wait, err; DECLARE_SPLNET_VARIABLE; pppoe_printf(sc, "timeout\n"); PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); switch (sc->sc_state) { case PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL: /* delayed connect from pppoe_tls() */ if (!sc->sc_detaching) pppoe_connect(sc); break; case PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT: /* * We have two basic ways of retrying: * - Quick retry mode: try a few times in short sequence * - Slow retry mode: we already had a connection successfully * established and will try infinitely (without user * intervention) * We only enter slow retry mode if IFF_LINK1 (aka autodial) * is not set. */ /* initialize for quick retry mode */ retry_wait = PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT * (1 + sc->sc_padi_retried); ACQUIRE_SPLNET(); sc->sc_padi_retried++; if (sc->sc_padi_retried >= PPPOE_DISC_MAXPADI) { if ((sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags & IFF_LINK1) == 0) { /* slow retry mode */ retry_wait = PPPOE_SLOW_RETRY; } else { pppoe_abort_connect(sc); RELEASE_SPLNET(); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return; } } if ((err = pppoe_send_padi(sc)) != 0) { sc->sc_padi_retried--; pppoe_printf(sc, "failed to transmit PADI, error=%d\n", err); } callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout,retry_wait); RELEASE_SPLNET(); break; case PPPOE_STATE_PADR_SENT: ACQUIRE_SPLNET(); sc->sc_padr_retried++; if (sc->sc_padr_retried >= PPPOE_DISC_MAXPADR) { memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT; sc->sc_padi_retried = 0; sc->sc_padr_retried = 0; if ((err = pppoe_send_padi(sc)) != 0) { pppoe_printf(sc, "failed to send PADI, error=%d\n", err); } callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT * (1 + sc->sc_padi_retried)); RELEASE_SPLNET(); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return; } if ((err = pppoe_send_padr(sc)) != 0) { pppoe_printf(sc,"failed to send PADR, error=%d", err); } callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT * (1 + sc->sc_padr_retried)); RELEASE_SPLNET(); break; case PPPOE_STATE_CLOSING: pppoe_disconnect(sc); break; default: PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return; /* all done, work in peace */ } PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } /* Start a connection (i.e. initiate discovery phase) */ static int pppoe_connect(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { int err; DECLARE_SPLNET_VARIABLE; KASSERT(PPPOE_WLOCKED(sc)); if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL) return EBUSY; #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER /* wait PADI if IFF_PASSIVE */ if ((sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags & IFF_PASSIVE)) return 0; #endif ACQUIRE_SPLNET(); /* save state, in case we fail to send PADI */ sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT; sc->sc_padi_retried = 0; sc->sc_padr_retried = 0; err = pppoe_send_padi(sc); if (err != 0) pppoe_printf(sc, "failed to send PADI, error=%d\n", err); callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, PPPOE_DISC_TIMEOUT); RELEASE_SPLNET(); return err; } /* disconnect */ static int pppoe_disconnect(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { int err; DECLARE_SPLNET_VARIABLE; KASSERT(PPPOE_WLOCKED(sc)); ACQUIRE_SPLNET(); if (sc->sc_state < PPPOE_STATE_SESSION) err = EBUSY; else { pppoe_printf(sc, "disconnecting\n"); err = pppoe_send_padt(sc->sc_eth_if, sc->sc_session, (const uint8_t *)&sc->sc_dest); } /* cleanup softc */ sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL; memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); if (sc->sc_ac_cookie) { free(sc->sc_ac_cookie, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_ac_cookie = NULL; } sc->sc_ac_cookie_len = 0; if (sc->sc_relay_sid) { free(sc->sc_relay_sid, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_relay_sid = NULL; } sc->sc_relay_sid_len = 0; #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER if (sc->sc_hunique) { free(sc->sc_hunique, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_hunique = NULL; } sc->sc_hunique_len = 0; #endif sc->sc_session = 0; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); /* notify upper layer */ sc->sc_sppp.pp_down(&sc->sc_sppp); PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); RELEASE_SPLNET(); return err; } /* Connection attempt aborted */ static void pppoe_abort_connect(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { KASSERT(PPPOE_WLOCKED(sc)); pppoe_printf(sc, "could not establish connection\n"); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_CLOSING; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); /* notify upper layer */ sc->sc_sppp.pp_down(&sc->sc_sppp); PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); /* clear connection state */ memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL; } static int pppoe_send_padr(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { struct mbuf *m0; uint8_t *p; size_t len, l1 = 0; if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_PADR_SENT) return EIO; /* Compute packet length. */ len = sizeof(struct pppoetag); if (sc->sc_service_name != NULL) { l1 = strlen(sc->sc_service_name); len += l1; } if (sc->sc_ac_cookie_len > 0) { len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sc->sc_ac_cookie_len; } if (sc->sc_relay_sid_len > 0) { len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sc->sc_relay_sid_len; } len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sizeof(sc->sc_id); if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu > PPPOE_MAXMTU) { len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + 2; } /* Allocate packet. */ m0 = pppoe_get_mbuf(len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN); if (m0 == NULL) return ENOBUFS; /* Fill in packet. */ p = mtod(m0, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, PPPOE_CODE_PADR, 0, len); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_SNAME); if (sc->sc_service_name != NULL) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, l1); memcpy(p, sc->sc_service_name, l1); p += l1; } else { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, 0); } if (sc->sc_ac_cookie_len > 0) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_ACCOOKIE); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sc->sc_ac_cookie_len); memcpy(p, sc->sc_ac_cookie, sc->sc_ac_cookie_len); p += sc->sc_ac_cookie_len; } if (sc->sc_relay_sid_len > 0) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_RELAYSID); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sc->sc_relay_sid_len); memcpy(p, sc->sc_relay_sid, sc->sc_relay_sid_len); p += sc->sc_relay_sid_len; } PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_HUNIQUE); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sizeof(sc->sc_id)); memcpy(p, &sc->sc_id, sizeof(sc->sc_id)); p += sizeof(sc->sc_id); if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu > PPPOE_MAXMTU) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_MAX_PAYLOAD); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, 2); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, (uint16_t)sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_mtu); } #ifdef PPPOE_DEBUG if (p - mtod(m0, uint8_t *) != len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN) panic("pppoe_send_padr: garbled output len, should be %ld, is %ld", (long)(len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN), (long)(p - mtod(m0, uint8_t *))); #endif /* Send packet. */ return pppoe_output(sc, m0); } /* send a PADT packet */ static int pppoe_send_padt(struct ifnet *outgoing_if, u_int session, const uint8_t *dest) { struct ether_header *eh; struct sockaddr dst; struct mbuf *m0; uint8_t *p; m0 = pppoe_get_mbuf(PPPOE_HEADERLEN); if (!m0) return EIO; p = mtod(m0, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, PPPOE_CODE_PADT, session, 0); memset(&dst, 0, sizeof dst); dst.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC; eh = (struct ether_header*)&dst.sa_data; eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_PPPOEDISC); memcpy(&eh->ether_dhost, dest, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); m0->m_flags &= ~(M_BCAST|M_MCAST); return if_output_lock(outgoing_if, outgoing_if, m0, &dst, NULL); } #ifdef PPPOE_SERVER static int pppoe_send_pado(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { struct mbuf *m0; uint8_t *p; size_t len; if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_PADO_SENT) return EIO; /* Include AC cookie. */ len = sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sizeof(sc->sc_id); /* Include hunique. */ len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sc->sc_hunique_len; m0 = pppoe_get_mbuf(len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN); if (!m0) return EIO; p = mtod(m0, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, PPPOE_CODE_PADO, 0, len); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_ACCOOKIE); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sizeof(sc->sc_id)); memcpy(p, &sc->sc_id, sizeof(sc->sc_id)); p += sizeof(sc->sc_id); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_HUNIQUE); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sc->sc_hunique_len); memcpy(p, sc->sc_hunique, sc->sc_hunique_len); return pppoe_output(sc, m0); } static int pppoe_send_pads(struct pppoe_softc *sc) { struct bintime bt; struct mbuf *m0; uint8_t *p; size_t len, l1 = 0; /* XXX: gcc */ KASSERT(PPPOE_WLOCKED(sc)); if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_PADO_SENT) return EIO; getbinuptime(&bt); sc->sc_session = bt.sec % 0xff + 1; /* Include service name. */ len = sizeof(struct pppoetag); if (sc->sc_service_name != NULL) { l1 = strlen(sc->sc_service_name); len += l1; } /* Include hunique. */ len += sizeof(struct pppoetag) + sc->sc_hunique_len; m0 = pppoe_get_mbuf(len + PPPOE_HEADERLEN); if (!m0) return ENOBUFS; p = mtod(m0, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, PPPOE_CODE_PADS, sc->sc_session, len); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_SNAME); if (sc->sc_service_name != NULL) { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, l1); memcpy(p, sc->sc_service_name, l1); p += l1; } else { PPPOE_ADD_16(p, 0); } PPPOE_ADD_16(p, PPPOE_TAG_HUNIQUE); PPPOE_ADD_16(p, sc->sc_hunique_len); memcpy(p, sc->sc_hunique, sc->sc_hunique_len); return pppoe_output(sc, m0); } #endif static void pppoe_tls(struct sppp *sp) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = (void *)sp; int wtime; PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_READER); if (sc->sc_state != PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return; } if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_phase == SPPP_PHASE_ESTABLISH && sc->sc_sppp.pp_auth_failures > 0) { /* * Delay trying to reconnect a bit more - the peer * might have failed to contact its radius server. */ wtime = PPPOE_RECON_FAST * sc->sc_sppp.pp_auth_failures; if (wtime > PPPOE_SLOW_RETRY) wtime = PPPOE_SLOW_RETRY; } else { wtime = PPPOE_RECON_IMMEDIATE; } callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, wtime); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } static void pppoe_tlf(struct sppp *sp) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = (void *)sp; PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); if (sc->sc_state < PPPOE_STATE_SESSION) { callout_stop(&sc->sc_timeout); sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL; sc->sc_padi_retried = 0; sc->sc_padr_retried = 0; memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return; } /* * Do not call pppoe_disconnect here, the upper layer state * machine gets confused by this. We must return from this * function and defer disconnecting to the timeout handler. */ sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_CLOSING; callout_schedule(&sc->sc_timeout, hz/50); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } static void pppoe_start(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = (void *)ifp; struct mbuf *m; uint8_t *p; size_t len; if (sppp_isempty(ifp)) return; /* are we ready to process data yet? */ PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_READER); if (sc->sc_state < PPPOE_STATE_SESSION) { sppp_flush(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return; } while ((m = sppp_dequeue(ifp)) != NULL) { len = m->m_pkthdr.len; M_PREPEND(m, PPPOE_HEADERLEN, M_DONTWAIT); if (m == NULL) { if_statinc(ifp, if_oerrors); continue; } p = mtod(m, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, 0, sc->sc_session, len); bpf_mtap(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if, m, BPF_D_OUT); pppoe_output(sc, m); } PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } #ifdef PPPOE_MPSAFE static int pppoe_transmit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m) { struct pppoe_softc *sc = (void *)ifp; uint8_t *p; size_t len; if (m == NULL) return EINVAL; /* are we ready to process data yet? */ PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_READER); if (sc->sc_state < PPPOE_STATE_SESSION) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); m_freem(m); return ENOBUFS; } len = m->m_pkthdr.len; M_PREPEND(m, PPPOE_HEADERLEN, M_DONTWAIT); if (m == NULL) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); if_statinc(ifp, if_oerrors); return ENETDOWN; } p = mtod(m, uint8_t *); PPPOE_ADD_HEADER(p, 0, sc->sc_session, len); bpf_mtap(&sc->sc_sppp.pp_if, m, BPF_D_OUT); pppoe_output(sc, m); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); return 0; } #endif /* PPPOE_MPSAFE */ static void pppoe_ifattach_hook(void *arg, unsigned long cmd, void *arg2) { struct ifnet *ifp = arg2; struct pppoe_softc *sc; DECLARE_SPLNET_VARIABLE; if (cmd != PFIL_IFNET_DETACH) return; ACQUIRE_SPLNET(); rw_enter(&pppoe_softc_list_lock, RW_READER); LIST_FOREACH(sc, &pppoe_softc_list, sc_list) { PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); if (sc->sc_eth_if != ifp) { PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); continue; } if (sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags & IFF_UP) { sc->sc_sppp.pp_if.if_flags &= ~(IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING); pppoe_printf(sc, "ethernet interface detached, going down\n"); } sc->sc_eth_if = NULL; pppoe_clear_softc(sc, "ethernet interface detached"); PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); } rw_exit(&pppoe_softc_list_lock); RELEASE_SPLNET(); } static void pppoe_clear_softc(struct pppoe_softc *sc, const char *message) { KASSERT(PPPOE_WLOCKED(sc)); /* stop timer */ callout_stop(&sc->sc_timeout); pppoe_printf(sc, "session 0x%x terminated, %s\n", sc->sc_session, message); /* fix our state */ sc->sc_state = PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL; PPPOE_UNLOCK(sc); /* signal upper layer */ sc->sc_sppp.pp_down(&sc->sc_sppp); PPPOE_LOCK(sc, RW_WRITER); /* clean up softc */ memcpy(&sc->sc_dest, etherbroadcastaddr, sizeof(sc->sc_dest)); if (sc->sc_ac_cookie) { free(sc->sc_ac_cookie, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_ac_cookie = NULL; } if (sc->sc_relay_sid) { free(sc->sc_relay_sid, M_DEVBUF); sc->sc_relay_sid = NULL; } sc->sc_ac_cookie_len = 0; sc->sc_session = 0; } static void pppoe_enqueue(struct ifqueue *inq, struct mbuf *m) { if (m->m_flags & M_PROMISC) { m_freem(m); return; } #ifndef PPPOE_SERVER if (m->m_flags & (M_MCAST | M_BCAST)) { m_freem(m); return; } #endif IFQ_LOCK(inq); if (IF_QFULL(inq)) { IF_DROP(inq); IFQ_UNLOCK(inq); m_freem(m); } else { IF_ENQUEUE(inq, m); IFQ_UNLOCK(inq); softint_schedule(pppoe_softintr); } return; } void pppoe_input(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m) { pppoe_enqueue(&ppoeinq, m); return; } void pppoedisc_input(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m) { pppoe_enqueue(&ppoediscinq, m); return; } static void sysctl_net_pppoe_setup(struct sysctllog **clog) { const struct sysctlnode *node = NULL; extern pktq_rps_hash_func_t sppp_pktq_rps_hash_p; sppp_pktq_rps_hash_p = pktq_rps_hash_default; sysctl_createv(clog, 0, NULL, &node, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT, CTLTYPE_NODE, "pppoe", SYSCTL_DESCR("PPPOE protocol"), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, CTL_NET, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); if (node == NULL) return; sysctl_createv(clog, 0, &node, NULL, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT | CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_BOOL, "term_unknown", SYSCTL_DESCR("Terminate unknown sessions"), NULL, 0, &pppoe_term_unknown, sizeof(pppoe_term_unknown), CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); sysctl_createv(clog, 0, &node, NULL, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT | CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_STRING, "rps_hash", SYSCTL_DESCR("Interface rps hash function control"), sysctl_pktq_rps_hash_handler, 0, (void *)&sppp_pktq_rps_hash_p, PKTQ_RPS_HASH_NAME_LEN, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); } /* * Module infrastructure */ #include "if_module.h" IF_MODULE(MODULE_CLASS_DRIVER, pppoe, "sppp_subr")