#################################################################### ## lines that start with '#' are comment ## blank lines are ignored too ## tabs are replaced by a space # ## the config entries are 'key' and 'value' pairs ## a 'key' begins in column 1 ## the 'value' is the rest of the line #somekey A_val B_val ... #otherkey X_val Y_val ... # ## indented lines are glued ## the next three lines mean 'somekey part1 part2 part3' #somekey part1 # part2 # part3 # ## lines starting with a '+' are concatenated ## the next three lines mean 'somekey part1part2part3' #somekey part1 #+ part2 #+ part3 # ## lines starting with a '.' are glued too ## don't use a '.' on a line by itself ## 'somekey' gets the value "part1\n part2\n part3" #somekey part1 #. part2 #. part3 # #################################################################### project_name NetBSD project_url http://www.NetBSD.org/ mirror_list /var/tmp/mirror-list.mirmon web_page /var/tmp/mirmon.html # This absolute path can only work for local tests without a web server # (see the generated web page). icons @@MIRMONDIR@@/icons probe ftp -V -o - -q %TIMEOUT% %URL%/mirrors/timestamp.txt state /var/tmp/state.mirmon countries @@MIRMONDIR@@/countries.list #max_probes 25 #timeout 300 #project_logo http://www.NetBSD.org/images/NetBSD-flag.png #htm_foot #
# #
#htm_top Some words #put_histo top #min_poll 1h #max_poll 4h #min_sync 1d #max_sync 2d #no_randomize #list_style plain #site_url #env #include #show #exit