# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.154 2024/03/11 14:39:48 wiz Exp $ # # used by print/poppler/Makefile # used by print/poppler-cpp/Makefile # used by print/poppler-includes/Makefile # used by print/poppler-qt5/Makefile # used by print/poppler-qt6/Makefile # used by print/poppler-utils/Makefile POPPLER_VERS= 24.03.0 DISTNAME= poppler-${POPPLER_VERS} CATEGORIES= print MASTER_SITES= https://poppler.freedesktop.org/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz MAINTAINER= reed@reedmedia.net HOMEPAGE= https://poppler.freedesktop.org/ LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 DISTINFO_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/../../print/poppler/distinfo #PATCHDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../print/poppler/patches USE_CMAKE= yes USE_LANGUAGES= c c++17 USE_TOOLS+= pkg-config gsed GCC_REQD+= 8 # std::optional CMAKE_ARGS+= -DENABLE_GPGME:BOOL=OFF CMAKE_ARGS+= -DENABLE_NSS3:BOOL=OFF .include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk" # This package will link against libstdc++.so from the pkgsrc GCC when the # base OS GCC doesn't meet the minimum requirement. Thus we do this so the # appropriate gcc-libs package will be captured as a dependency, otherwise # binary packages will be broken. .if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD" && ${OPSYS_VERSION} < 090000 USE_PKGSRC_GCC= yes USE_PKGSRC_GCC_RUNTIME= yes .endif .include "../../mk/compiler.mk" .if !empty(PKGSRC_COMPILER:Mclang) BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+= rm:-fno-check-new .endif .include "../../devel/boost-headers/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../graphics/openjpeg/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../devel/zlib/buildlink3.mk"