#!/bin/sh # Based on the initialization script from Debian: # https://salsa.debian.org/games-team/openarena/-/blob/debian/latest/debian/scripts/openarena.in # we're a standalone game CVARS="+set com_basegame baseoa" CVARS="$CVARS +set fs_basepath @PREFIX@/lib/openarena" CVARS="$CVARS +set com_homepath .openarena" # OA uses a different protocol number to reflect incompatible game content. # When it says "71", that's actually the legacy Quake III Arena 1.32c protocol, # protocol 68. CVARS="$CVARS +set com_legacyprotocol 71" # For the moment, disable the modern protocol, by setting this cvar to the # same thing. When OA upstream decide what value they'll use, we should # catch up. CVARS="$CVARS +set com_protocol 71" # OA's default master server is different CVARS="$CVARS +set sv_master1 dpmaster.deathmask.net" # update.quake3arena.com is pretty irrelevant if you're playing OA CVARS="$CVARS +set cl_motd 0" exec "@IOQ3_BIN@" ${CVARS} "$@"