#!/usr/bin/awk -f # $NetBSD: genreadme.awk,v 1.49 2021/04/05 10:32:38 nia Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2002-2021 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Dan McMahill. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Global variables #----------------- # The following associative arrays are used for storing the dependency # information and other information for the packages # # depends[] : index=pkgdir (math/scilab) # List of explicitly listed depencencies by name. # I.e. "xless-[0-9]* pvm-3.4.3" # # builddepends[] : index=pkgdir (math/scilab) # List of explicitly listed depencencies by name. # BEGIN { do_pkg_readme=1; printf("Reading database file\n"); } #conflicts /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab #depends /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab xless-[0-9]*:../../x11/xless pvm-3.4.3:../../parallel/pvm3 # /^(build_|tool_)?depends / { # # Read in the entire depends tree # These lines look like: # #depends /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab xless-[0-9]*:../../x11/xless pvm-3.4.3:../../parallel/pvm3 #build_depends /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab libtool-base>=1.4.20010614nb9:../../devel/libtool-base # deptype=$1; # pkg=fulldir2pkgdir($2); pkg = $2; if (pkg in depends) {} else {depends[pkg] = "";} if (pkg in builddepends) {} else {builddepends[pkg] = "";} for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) { split($i, a,":"); pkgpat = a[1]; pkgdir = a[2]; sub(/[\.\/]*/, "", pkgdir); if (pkgdir !~ /\//) { pkgcat = pkg; gsub(/\/.*/, "", pkgcat); pkgdir=pkgcat "/" pkgdir; if (debug) printf("Corrected missing category directory to get \"%s\"\n", pkgdir); } if (debug){ printf("package in directory %s %s on:\n", pkg, deptype); printf("\tpkgpat = %s\n", pkgpat); printf("\tpkgdir = %s\n", pkgdir); } # # store the package directory in a associative array with the wildcard # pattern as the index since we will need to be able to look this up later # pat2dir[pkgpat] = pkgdir; if (deptype == "depends") { depends[pkg] = depends[pkg] " " pkgpat " " ; if (debug) { printf("Appending %s to depends[%s] (%s)\n", pkgpat, pkg, depends[pkg]); } } else { if (debug) { printf("Appending %s to builddepends[%s] (%s)\n", pkgpat, pkg, builddepends[pkg]); } builddepends[pkg] = builddepends[pkg] " " pkgpat " " ; } } next; } /^maintainer /{ maintainer[$2] = $3; gsub(/@/, " AT ", maintainer[$2]); next; } /^comment /{ dir = $2; gsub(/^comment[ \t]*/, ""); tmp = substr($0, length($1) + 1); gsub(/^[ \t]*/, "", tmp); gsub(/&/, "\\\\\\&", tmp); comment[dir] = tmp; next; } /^homepage /{ homepage[$2] = $3; gsub(/&/, "\\\\&", homepage[$2]); next; } /^htmlname / { # # read lines like: # htmlname /usr/pkgsrc/archivers/arc arc-5.21e # # dir=fulldir2pkgdir($2); dir = $2; htmlname = $3; for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++){ htmlname = htmlname " " $i; } gsub(/README.html/, "index.html", htmlname); dir2htmlname[dir] = htmlname; if (debug) printf("added dir2htmlname[%s]=%s\n", dir, htmlname); next; } /^htmloptions / { htmloptions = $3; origfs = FS; FS = "\t"; for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++){ htmloptions = htmloptions " " $i; } FS = origfs; options[$2] = htmloptions; next; } /^index / { # # read lines like: #index /usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab scilab-2.6nb3 # and store the directory name in a associative array where the index # is the package name and in a associative array that lets us lookup # name from directory. We use fuldir2pkgdir to get "math/scilab" # and drop the /usr/pkgsrc part. # # pkgname2dir[$3] = fulldir2pkgdir($2); # pkgdir2name[fulldir2pkgdir($2)] = $3; pkgname2dir[$3] = $2; pkgdir2name[$2] = $3; next; } /^license /{ license[$2] = $3; next; } /^wildcard /{ wildcard[$2] = $3; } END { readme = TMPDIR "/index.html"; printf("Making sure binary package cache file is up to date...\n"); if ( quiet == "yes" ){ cmd = sprintf("%s AWK=%s CMP=%s FIND=%s GREP=%s GZIP_CMD=\"%s\" PKG_INFO=\"%s\" PKG_SUFX=%s SED=%s SORT=%s %s/mk/scripts/binpkg-cache %s --packages %s", SETENV, AWK, CMP, FIND, GREP, GZIP_CMD, PKG_INFO, PKG_SUFX, SED, SORT, PKGSRCDIR, summary, PACKAGES); } else { cmd = sprintf("%s AWK=%s CMP=%s FIND=%s GREP=%s GZIP_CMD=\"%s\" PKG_INFO=\"%s\" PKG_SUFX=%s SED=%s SORT=%s %s/mk/scripts/binpkg-cache %s --packages %s --verbose", SETENV, AWK, CMP, FIND, GREP, GZIP_CMD, PKG_INFO, PKG_SUFX, SED, SORT, PKGSRCDIR, summary, PACKAGES); } if (debug) printf("\nExecute: %s\n",cmd); rc = system(cmd); if (rc != 0 && rc != 2) { printf("\n**** WARNING ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; printf("Command: %s\nfailed.", cmd) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; exit(1); } if (rc == 2) { printf("\n**** WARNING ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; printf("* No binary packages directory found\n") > "/dev/stderr"; printf("* List of binary packages will not be generated\n") > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } else { printf("Loading binary package cache file...\n"); load_cache_file( PACKAGES "/.pkgcache" ); if(pkg_count["unknown"] > 0 ) { printf(" Loaded %d binary packages with unknown PKGPATH\n", pkg_count["unknown"]); } } # extract date for vulnerabilities file if (SCAN_VULNERABILITIES == 0) vuldate="
  • (no vulnerabilities list, update pkg_install)
  • "; else if (SCAN_VULNERABILITIES == 1) vuldate="
  • (no vulnerabilities list available)
  • "; if (SINGLEPKG != "" ) { printf("Only creating README for %s\n",SINGLEPKG); for( key in depends ) { delete depends[key]; } depends[SINGLEPKG] = "yes"; } printf("Generating index.html files\n"); pkgcnt = 0; if (do_pkg_readme) { templatefile = PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.pkg"; fatal_check_file(templatefile); for (toppkg in depends){ pkgcnt++; pkgdir = PKGSRCDIR "/" toppkg; readmenew=pkgdir "/index.html"; if (debug) printf("Creating %s for %s\n", readme, readmenew); if (quiet != "yes") { printf("."); if ((pkgcnt % 100) == 0) { printf("\n%d\n", pkgcnt); } } printf("") > readme; run_deps = create_htmldeps(uniq(depends[toppkg])); build_deps = create_htmldeps(uniq(builddepends[toppkg])); vul = ""; if (SCAN_VULNERABILITIES == 2) { pkgbase = pkgdir2name[toppkg]; sub("-[^-]*$", "", pkgbase); cmd = sprintf("%s audit-history %s", PKG_ADMIN, pkgbase); while (cmd | getline vuln_entry) { split(vuln_entry, entry, " "); status_cmd = sprintf("if %s pmatch '%s' %s; then echo open; else echo fixed; fi", PKG_ADMIN, entry[1], pkgdir2name[toppkg]); status_cmd | getline status close(status_cmd) if (status == "fixed") continue status = "a " status; vul = sprintf("%s
  • %s %s vulnerability
  • \n", vul, status, entry[3], entry[2]); } close(cmd); if ( vul == "" ) { vul="(no vulnerabilities known)"; } } if (debug) { printf("Checking for binary package with lookup_cache( %s)\n", toppkg); } # lookup_cache( wildcard ) will produce HTML for the packages which are found lookup_cache( toppkg ); while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ gsub(/%%PORT%%/, toppkg); gsub(/%%PKG%%/, pkgdir2name[toppkg]); gsub(/%%MAINTAINER%%/, maintainer[toppkg]); gsub(/%%COMMENT%%/, comment[toppkg]); if (homepage[toppkg] == "") { gsub(/%%HOMEPAGE%%/, "none stated"); } else { gsub(/%%HOMEPAGE%%/, "" homepage[toppkg] ""); } if (license[toppkg] == "") { gsub(/%%LICENSE%%/, "none stated"); } else { gsub(/%%LICENSE%%/, "" license[toppkg] ""); } gsub(/%%VULNERABILITIES%%/, ""vul""); gsub(/%%VULDATE%%/, ""vuldate""); gsub(/%%OPTIONS%%/, escape_re_replacement(""options[toppkg]"")); gsub(/%%BUILD_DEPENDS%%/, ""build_deps""); gsub(/%%RUN_DEPENDS%%/, ""run_deps""); line = $0; if( line ~/%%BIN_PKGS%%/ ) { gsub(/%%BIN_PKGS%%/, "", line); while((getline < binpkgs_file) > 0) { print >> readme; } close( binpkgs_file ); } descr_file = pkgdir "/DESCR" if( line ~/%%DESCR%%/ ) { gsub(/%%DESCR%%/, "", line); while((getline < descr_file ) > 0) { print >> readme; } close( descr_file ); } print line >> readme; } close(readme); close(templatefile); cmd = "if [ ! -d " pkgdir " ]; then exit 1 ; fi"; if (debug) printf("Execute: %s\n",cmd); rc = system(cmd); if (rc != 0) { printf("\n**** WARNING ****\nPackage directory %s\n", pkgdir) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("Does not exist. This is probably ") > "/dev/stderr"; printf("due to an incorrect DEPENDS line.\n") > "/dev/stderr"; printf("Try running: grep %s */*/Makefile\n", fulldir2pkgdir(pkgdir)) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("or: grep %s */*/buildlink3.mk\n", fulldir2pkgdir(pkgdir)) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("to find the problem\n", pkgdir) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } else { copy_readme(readmenew, readme); } } printf("\n"); } # if (do_pkg_readme) printf("\n"); if (SINGLEPKG != "" ) { close("/dev/stderr"); exit 0; } printf("Generating category readmes\n"); templatefile = PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.category"; fatal_check_file(templatefile); # string with URLs for all categories (used by the top index.html) allcat = ""; # string with URLs for all pkgs (used by the top index-all.html) tot_numpkg = 0; top_make = PKGSRCDIR"/Makefile"; while((getline < top_make) > 0){ if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[^\$]*$/) { category = $0; gsub(/^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[ \t]*/, "", category); catdir = PKGSRCDIR"/"category; readmenew = catdir"/index.html"; if (quiet != "yes") { printf("Category = %s\n", category); } cat_make = catdir"/Makefile"; pkgs = ""; numpkg = 0; print "" > readme; while((getline < cat_make) > 0){ if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[^\$]*$/) { pkg = $0; gsub(/^[ \t]*SUBDIR.*=[ \t]*/, "", pkg); dir = category"/"pkg; numpkg++; tot_numpkg++; if (debug) { printf("\tAdding %s (%s : %s)\n", dir, pkgdir2name[dir], comment[dir]); } pkgs = sprintf("%s
    \n", pkgs, pkg, pkgdir2name[dir], comment[dir]); # Prefix with the package name in a comment for sorting. allpkg[tot_numpkg] = sprintf("
    \n", pkgdir2name[dir], category, pkg, pkgdir2name[dir], comment[dir]); # we need slightly fewer escapes here since we are not gsub()-ing # allpkg[] into the output files but just printf()-ing it. gsub(/\\&/, "\\&", allpkg[tot_numpkg]); } else if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*COMMENT/) { descr = $0; gsub(/^[ \t]*COMMENT.*=[ \t]*/, "", descr); } } while ((getline < templatefile) > 0){ gsub(/%%CATEGORY%%/, category); gsub(/%%NUMITEMS%%/, numpkg); gsub(/%%DESCR%%/, descr); gsub(/%%SUBDIR%%/, ""pkgs""); print $0 >> readme; } close(readme); close(templatefile); copy_readme(readmenew, readme); gsub(/href=\"/, "href=\""category"/", pkgs); allcat = sprintf("%s
    \n", allcat, category, category, descr); close(cat_make); } } close(top_make); printf("Generating toplevel readmes:\n"); templatefile = PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.top"; fatal_check_file(templatefile); readmenew = PKGSRCDIR "/index.html" printf("\t%s\n", readmenew); print "" > readme; while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ gsub(/%%DESCR%%/, ""); gsub(/%%SUBDIR%%/, allcat); print >> readme; } close(readme); close(templatefile); copy_readme(readmenew, readme); templatefile = PKGSRCDIR "/templates/README.all"; fatal_check_file(templatefile); readmenew = PKGSRCDIR "/index-all.html"; printf("\t%s\n", readmenew); # sort the pkgs sfile = TMPDIR"/unsorted"; spipe = "sort " sfile; i = 1; print "" >sfile; while(i in allpkg) { printf("%s",allpkg[i]) >> sfile; i++; } close(sfile); print "" > readme; while((getline < templatefile) > 0){ line = $0; if ($0 ~ /%%PKGS%%/) { while((spipe | getline) > 0) { print >> readme; } close(spipe); } else { gsub(/%%DESCR%%/, "", line); gsub(/%%NPKGS%%/, tot_numpkg, line); print line >> readme; } } close(readme); close(templatefile); copy_readme(readmenew, readme); close("/dev/stderr"); exit 0; } function create_htmldeps(dependslist){ htmldeps = ""; for( key in dpkgs ) { delete dpkgs[key]; } split(dependslist, dpkgs); i = 1; while(i in dpkgs){ if (debug) { printf("\tdpkg=%s, pat2dir[%s] = %s\n", dpkgs[i], dpkgs[i], pat2dir[dpkgs[i]]); } htmldeps = sprintf("%s%s\n", htmldeps, pat2dir[dpkgs[i]], pat2dir[dpkgs[i]]); i = i + 1; } if ( i == 1 ) { htmldeps = "(none)"; } return htmldeps; } # # take a string which has special characters like '+' in it and # escape them. Also put a space before and after since that's how # we'll distinguish things like gnome from gnome-libs # function reg2str(reg){ gsub(/\./, "\\.", reg); gsub(/\+/, "\\+", reg); gsub(/\*/, "\\*", reg); gsub(/\?/, "\\?", reg); gsub(/\[/, "\\[", reg); gsub(/\]/, "\\]", reg); reg = " "reg" "; return(reg); } function escape_re_replacement(s) { gsub(/&/, "\\\\\\&", s); return s; } # # take a string which has a shell glob pattern and turn it into # an awk regular expression. # function glob2reg(reg){ # escape some characters which are special in regular expressions gsub(/\./, "\\.", reg); gsub(/\+/, "\\+", reg); # and reformat some others gsub(/\*/, ".*", reg); gsub(/\?/, ".?", reg); # finally, expand {a,b,c} type patterns return(reg); } # # accepts a full path to a package directory, like "/usr/pkgsrc/math/scilab" # and returns just the last 2 directories, like "math/scilab" # function fulldir2pkgdir(d, i){ i = match(d, /\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/); return substr(d, i + 1); } # # take the depends lists and uniq them. # function uniq(list, deps, i, ulist){ # split out the depends split(list, deps); i = 1; ulist = " "; while (i in deps){ # printf("uniq(): Checking \"%s\"\n", ulist); # printf(" for \"%s\"\n", reg2str(deps[i])); if (ulist !~reg2str(deps[i])){ ulist = ulist deps[i]" "; } i++; } return(ulist); } function fatal_check_file(file, cmd){ cmd="test -f " file ; if (debug) printf("Execute: %s\n",cmd); if (system(cmd) != 0) { printf("**** FATAL ****\nRequired file %s does not exist\n", file) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; close("/dev/stderr"); exit(1); } } # 'new' is the newly created index.html file # 'old' is the existing (possibly not present) index.html file # # This function copies over the 'new' file if the 'old' one does # not exist or if they are different. In addition, the 'new' one # which is a temporary file is removed at the end function copy_readme(old, new, cmd, rc) { # if the index.html file does not exist at all then copy over # the one we created cmd = "if [ ! -f "old" ]; then cp " new " " old " ; fi"; if (debug) printf("copy_readme() execute: %s\n",cmd); rc = system(cmd); if (rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nThe command\n %s\n", cmd) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("failed with result code %d\n", rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } # Compare the existing index.html file to the one we created. If they are # not the same, then copy over the one we created cmd = sprintf("%s -s %s %s ; if test $? -ne 0 ; then mv -f %s %s ; fi", CMP, new, old, new, old); if (debug) printf("copy_readme() execute: %s\n",cmd); rc = system(cmd); if (rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nThe command\n %s\n", cmd) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("failed with result code %d\n", rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } # If the temp file still exists, then delete it cmd = " if [ -f "new" ]; then rm -f "new" ; fi"; if (debug) printf("copy_readme() execute: %s\n",cmd); rc = system(cmd); if (rc != 0) { printf("**** WARNING ****\nThe command\n %s\n", cmd) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("failed with result code %d\n", rc) > "/dev/stderr"; printf("**** ------- ****\n") > "/dev/stderr"; } } function load_cache_file( file, pkgfile, opsys, osver, march, wk, rx ) { if ( quiet != "yes" ) printf(" * %s\n", file); fatal_check_file( file ); # read the cache file while( getline < file ) { # if this line points to another cache file, then recursively # load it if( $0 ~ /^pkgcache_cachefile/ ) { if( debug ) printf("\tFound pkgcache_cachefile line.\n"); load_cache_file( $2 ); } else if( $0 ~/^pkgcache_begin /) { pkgfile = $2; if( debug ) printf("\tStarting %s\n", pkgfile); opsys = "unknown"; osver = "unknown"; march = "unknown"; pkgpath = "unknown"; } else if( $0 ~/^PKGPATH=/ ) { pkgpath = $0; gsub(/PKGPATH=[ \t]*/, "", pkgpath); } else if( $0 ~/^OPSYS=/ ) { opsys = $0; gsub(/OPSYS=[ \t]*/, "", opsys); } else if( $0 ~/^OS_VERSION=/ ) { osver = $0; gsub(/OS_VERSION=[ \t]*/, "", osver); } else if( $0 ~/^MACHINE_ARCH=/ ) { march = $0; gsub(/MACHINE_ARCH=[ \t]*/, "", march); } else if( $0 ~/^pkgcache_end /) { if( debug ) printf("\t%s, OPSYS=%s, OS_VERSION=%s, MACHINE_ARCH=%s, PKGPATH=%s\n", pkgfile, opsys, osver, march, pkpath); pkg_count[pkgpath] = pkg_count[pkgpath] + 1; opsys_list[pkgpath, pkg_count[pkgpath]] = opsys; osver_list[pkgpath, pkg_count[pkgpath]] = osver; march_list[pkgpath, pkg_count[pkgpath]] = march; pkgfile_list[pkgpath, pkg_count[pkgpath]] = pkgfile; gsub(/.*\//, "", pkgfile); pkgnm_list[pkgpath, pkg_count[pkgpath]] = pkgfile; } else { # skip this line } } # close the cache file close( file ); } function lookup_cache( d, binpkgs) { if( debug ) printf("lookup_cache( %s ): pkg_count = %d\n", d, pkg_count[d]); binpkgs_file = TMPDIR "/binpkgs"; spipe = SORT " > " binpkgs_file; for(i=1 ; i<=pkg_count[d]; i=i+1) { printf("%s %s%s%s\n", opsys_list[d, i], osver_list[d, i], march_list[d, i], PKG_URL, pkgfile_list[d, i], pkgnm_list[d, i]) | spipe; } if( pkg_count[d] == 0 ) { printf("(none)\n") | spipe; } close( spipe ); }