.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 3.1.9 .\" .TH "eza_colors-explanation" "5" "" "$version" "" .SH Name eza_colors-explanation \[em] more details on customizing eza colors .SH Eza Color Explanation eza provides its own built-in set of file extension mappings that cover a large range of common file extensions, including documents, archives, media, and temporary files. Any mappings in the environment variables will override this default set: running eza with \f[CR]LS_COLORS=\[dq]*.zip=32\[dq]\f[R] will turn zip files green but leave the colours of other compressed files alone. .PP You can also disable this built-in set entirely by including a \f[CR]reset\f[R] entry at the beginning of \f[CR]EZA_COLORS\f[R]. So setting \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]reset:*.txt=31\[dq]\f[R] will highlight only text files; setting \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]reset\[dq]\f[R] will highlight nothing. .SS Examples .IP \[bu] 2 Disable the \[lq]current user\[rq] highlighting: \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]uu=0:gu=0\[dq]\f[R] .IP \[bu] 2 Turn the date column green: \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]da=32\[dq]\f[R] .IP \[bu] 2 Highlight Vagrantfiles: \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]Vagrantfile=1;4;33\[dq]\f[R] .IP \[bu] 2 Override the existing zip colour: \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]*.zip=38;5;125\[dq]\f[R] .IP \[bu] 2 Markdown files a shade of green, log files a shade of grey: \f[CR]EZA_COLORS=\[dq]*.md=38;5;121:*.log=38;5;248\[dq]\f[R] .SS BUILT-IN EXTENSIONS .IP \[bu] 2 eza now supports bright colours! As supported by most modern 256-colour terminals, you can now choose from \f[CR]bright\f[R] colour codes when selecting your custom colours in your \f[CR]#EZA_COLORS\f[R] environment variable. .IP \[bu] 2 Build (Makefile, Cargo.toml, package.json) are yellow and underlined. .IP \[bu] 2 Images (png, jpeg, gif) are purple. .IP \[bu] 2 Videos (mp4, ogv, m2ts) are a slightly purpler purple. .IP \[bu] 2 Music (mp3, m4a, ogg) is a deeper purple. .IP \[bu] 2 Lossless music (flac, alac, wav) is deeper than \f[I]that\f[R] purple. In general, most media files are some shade of purple. .IP \[bu] 2 Cryptographic files (asc, enc, p12) are a faint blue. .IP \[bu] 2 Documents (pdf, doc, dvi) are a less faint blue. .IP \[bu] 2 Compressed files (zip, tgz, Z) are red. .IP \[bu] 2 Temporary files (tmp, swp, \[ti]) are grey. .IP \[bu] 2 Compiled files (class, o, pyc) are yellow. A file is also counted as compiled if it uses a common extension and is in the same directory as one of its source files: styles.css will count as compiled when next to styles.less or styles.sass, and scripts.js when next to scripts.ts or scripts.coffee. .IP \[bu] 2 Source files (cpp, js, java) are bright yellow. .SS See also .IP \[bu] 2 eza.1.md .IP \[bu] 2 eza_colors.5.md