# $NetBSD: start.ini,v 1.1 2015/12/14 13:05:30 jperkin Exp $ # # Example start.ini generated with '--add-to-start=http,deploy' # # --------------------------------------- # Module: http --module=http ### HTTP Connector Configuration ## HTTP port to listen on jetty.port=8080 ## HTTP idle timeout in milliseconds http.timeout=30000 ## HTTP Socket.soLingerTime in seconds. (-1 to disable) # http.soLingerTime=-1 ## Parameters to control the number and priority of acceptors and selectors # http.selectors=1 # http.acceptors=1 # http.selectorPriorityDelta=0 # http.acceptorPriorityDelta=0 # --------------------------------------- # Module: server --module=server ## ## Server Threading Configuration ## # minimum number of threads threads.min=10 # maximum number of threads threads.max=200 # thread idle timeout in milliseconds threads.timeout=60000 # buffer size for output jetty.output.buffer.size=32768 # request header buffer size jetty.request.header.size=8192 # response header buffer size jetty.response.header.size=8192 # should jetty send the server version header? jetty.send.server.version=true # should jetty send the date header? jetty.send.date.header=false # What host to listen on (leave commented to listen on all interfaces) #jetty.host=myhost.com # Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps after startup jetty.dump.start=false # Dump the state of the Jetty server, before stop jetty.dump.stop=false # Enable delayed dispatch optimisation jetty.delayDispatchUntilContent=false # --------------------------------------- # Module: deploy --module=deploy ## DeployManager configuration # Monitored Directory name (relative to jetty.base) # jetty.deploy.monitoredDirName=webapps