# $NetBSD: apache24.conf,v 1.1 2021/06/24 02:32:28 triaxx Exp $ # # Configuration example fragment for www/apache24 # # To permit Apache to access Dotclear's files and directories, you could add it # to the dotclear group: # > usermod -G dotclear www Alias /dotclear/public "@DOTCLEAR_PUBDIR@" Alias /dotclear "@DOTCLEAR_SHAREDIR@" DirectoryIndex index.php Require all granted Require all granted # Example fragment for virtual hosting # # DocumentRoot "@DOTCLEAR_SHAREDIR@" # ServerName dotclear.example.org # # # Alias /public "@DOTCLEAR_PUBDIR@" # # # # DirectoryIndex index.php # Require all granted # # # # Require all granted # #