$NetBSD: patch-src_3rdparty_chromium_build_mac_find__sdk.py,v 1.1 2023/04/12 19:24:06 adam Exp $ Use Xcode version provided by pkgsrc. --- src/3rdparty/chromium/build/mac/find_sdk.py.orig 2023-04-11 08:36:42.000000000 +0000 +++ src/3rdparty/chromium/build/mac/find_sdk.py @@ -66,24 +66,19 @@ def main(): print(err, file=sys.stderr) raise Exception('Error %d running xcode-select' % job.returncode) dev_dir = out.decode('UTF-8').rstrip() - sdk_dir = os.path.join( - dev_dir, 'Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs') + sdk_dir = os.environ.get('OSX_SDK_PATH') if not os.path.isdir(sdk_dir): raise SdkError('Install Xcode, launch it, accept the license ' + 'agreement, and run `sudo xcode-select -s /path/to/Xcode.app` ' + 'to continue.') - sdks = [re.findall('^MacOSX(\d+\.\d+)\.sdk$', s) for s in os.listdir(sdk_dir)] - sdks = [s[0] for s in sdks if s] # [['10.5'], ['10.6']] => ['10.5', '10.6'] - sdks = [s for s in sdks # ['10.5', '10.6'] => ['10.6'] - if parse_version(s) >= parse_version(min_sdk_version)] + sdks = [os.environ.get('OSX_VERSION')] if not sdks: raise Exception('No %s+ SDK found' % min_sdk_version) best_sdk = sorted(sdks, key=parse_version)[0] if options.print_sdk_path: - sdk_name = 'MacOSX' + best_sdk + '.sdk' - print(os.path.join(sdk_dir, sdk_name)) + print(sdk_dir) if options.print_bin_path: bin_path = 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/'